I love a simple acar timun (cucumber pickle) ~ just cucumbers, shallots, chili, vinegar, sugar n salt ~ I would repeatedly 'visit' the kitchen if its made at home..hehe..
But nowadays I also love to make a different version of the acar for snacks, but this version needs my extra effort..haha..
Wanting to avoid dinner last night, I made this :
1 cucumber - diced
2 fresh tomatoes - diced
2 small apples - sliced
1 small onion - diced
Juice of half lemon
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Salt to taste.
2 fresh tomatoes - diced
2 small apples - sliced
1 small onion - diced
Juice of half lemon
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Salt to taste.
[I always use cucumber and tomatoes, but sometimes I would add sweet corns, avocadoes (Cats.. ~ I'm avoiding making avocado/alpukat juice...hehe) or whatever leftover fruits that I think could blend in :-) ]
This version of acar is something similar to "salsa" (by definition : A spicy sauce of chopped, usually uncooked vegetables or fruit, especially tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers, used as a condiment. ~ to accompany Mexican food).

But there's also another definition for salsa ~ a popular form of Latin-American dance music.
mmmm...talking about Mexico, I think it was an upset result early this morning when the team beat France 2 - 0.
"New Manchester United signing Javier Hernandez inspired Mexico to a superb win over a poor France side last night, leaving the 2006 World Cup finalists on the brink of early elimination." ~ Mail Online.

(Mexican rave: Hernandez is mobbed by team-mates)
ada 2 kejutan terbesar piala dunia kekalahan spain dn france.... hehe
p/s=eh! acar laksa? ni first time dgr sedap ker?? nnt nk try la...
and Germany dik.. :-)
Salsa lah bukan laksa..hehe...
laksa penang memang sedap, ada daun kesum bunga kantan, cukup ikannya, asamnya..ish ish ish...
gulp..gulp..acar plak dah suker2 hehe
terserlah kuat makan aku ahaha :) semuanya suka
Where's the pineapple? Mama always put pineapples and carrots in hers. She made some last week when we had Nasi Dagang for breakfast. yummmm.... She has her special Kuala Berang version that uses nnisang, lada, cuke. har har har *evil laughs*
I love Acar too..I like your version of Acar.. Something for me to try... Kalau rajin ke dapur la.I don't trust myself hehe. Tomorrow dah skola..
You must have lost a lot of weight...Jeles ni...I still havent lost any weight mainly because tak start diet pun lg sebenarnya. Ckp kat mulut je..buatnya dok!
Acar neh Cheqna...?!
ini baru best... I sukalah... good for diet..!!
are you on diet?..sounds great..love to try..but umi ni suka got carried away..nanti macam bagai letak kat dalam tu hahaha..WC buzz..umi sokong team yang menang..kalau menang itu team umi la..jangan mare
acar for dinner. orang lain kat rumah tu makan apa eh?
tak pe tak pe, lagi terserlah orang yang suka masuk dapur and masak2...hehehe..
I only pine for d apples inside that acar..hehehe..
ur mama made nasi dagang? we had it in KT last weekend, from d kedai of course.. :-)
hehe..I havent (lost weight), very stubborn laa d fats inside me..haha..
btw, good luck with the band comp tomrw!
memang good for my diet, provided i don't take anything else after that!..hehehe...
I watched the Mexico vs France game. It was a very interesting one indeed, Mexico deserved to win. Poor France, they were never the same without Zidane... huahuaa
I'm forever on diet..tp masih lagi unable to reduce my dress size..haha...
winning team? ye lah, tak lah tension tengok..whoever wins itulah disokong...hehehe...
pssstttt...buat masa ni still England..tp apalah asyik seri aje..ish ish..
syyyhhhh...d untold story ~ we had chicken burger sandwich after that..cannot tahan, but no mayo..hehehe..
I.a dear,
wahh..u really into this..with Ilham I believe?..my interest has started to wane..hehehe...
changing d tv channel to Ned vs Jpn game, happy la u Ned leading 1 - 0..hehe..
Can't blame you for your waning interest. Btw, you are not one of the English fans who booed their own team, are you???
Ilham initially supported France, then he quickly changed side when Mexico was winning ha..ha..ha..
As I'm writing this comment, Ned already won 1-0 against Japan, way to go Nederland...
Acar Salsa, kena goyang-goyang sikit masa makan ni.
Kita masih setia pada Argentina.
haha..not me not me!..it was an early morning match n I didn't even know d result until tonite, busy with outdoor chores ~ mostly out since 8.30am til 7.30pm!
should congratulate the Oranje..but i didnt watch it, was watching NCIS..hehe..
wah Ilham..tak aci...
haha..btul, btul, btul..baru kena dua2 maksud salsa..hehe..
Still with Argentina...u into world cup juga now? lepas ni bolehlah gi padang n play football, buanglah "kaki bangku" tu..hehe..
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