When TK posted in her blog that she just visited her mum 500km away from her home, I wished that I could just leave for my mum's ~ she lives 450km away, a shorter distance...

so instead, I searched for something that would cheer me up, and ended up with this video..
I first watched it without the translation,
it really moved me...
mmm, sadly...sometimes I argue with my mum,
but I do hope she'll always forgive me...
it really moved me...
mmm, sadly...sometimes I argue with my mum,
but I do hope she'll always forgive me...
Before I Was Myself, You Made Me, Me
(by Nicholas Gordon)
Before I was myself you made me, me
With love and patience, discipline and tears,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Allowing me to sail upon my sea,
Though well within the headlands of your fears.
Before I was myself you made me, me
With dreams enough of what I was to be
And hopes that would be sculpted by the years,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Relinquishing your powers gradually
To let me shape myself among my peers.
Before I was myself you made me, me,
And being good and wise, you gracefully
As dancers when the last sweet cadence nears
Bit by bit stepped back to set me free.
For love inspires learning naturally:
The mind assents to what the heart reveres.
And so it was through love you made me, me
By slowly stepping back to set me free.

Very lovely poem about mothers.
When I miss my Mom, I only can visit her grave...
I miss my Mama even when she's away for work, and that's only 1km away. purrr....meow!
Lina @ w.p..
may your prayers for her lessen your sadness.
Cats my dear,
I know, u r such a baby, even if she's 1 meter away, u'd miss her..hehehe..
best jgk lagu ni... nice entry kak! :)
My posting made you think about your mum... Ala ciannya dia hehe..Coincidently,my mother kat sana..your mother kat sini..We hv to switch place..Takpe Tganu dekat je..Nasib baik tak kat Sabah sarawak nu..
thank you dik..n semoga sentiasa jadi anak yang baik..
..n not only on mother's and father's day :-)
Tk..itulah kesian kita..tp d distance mcm tak de makna sebab selalu balik ek..hehe..
if duduk Sabah Sarawak, agaknya naik "belon" aje, frequent flyer...kononnya..
me mom is only about 200km away...hehehe
wah...nice posting la cheqna :)
amin.. thnkz kak! :)
waah yours is nearer, every week can go n visit, n still manja2 kot..hehe..
Bie [in d house] :-),
thank u sis, I'm sure u r good to ur parents...anak manja pun lagi kan..hehe..
u r welcome dik! :-)
thats soo sweet dear :)
TQ Nitin!
tengok pun tahu, Cheqna ni sure anak yang baik lagi solehah. kata orang kasih ibu bawa ke syurga, tentu apa saja salah dan silap anaknya, dimaafkannya sebelum anak sempat minta maaf.
eh! kjab! ade ke cerita kat atas rupanya? sy cuma dgr lagu je kat entry akak ni? hehe eh! sape TK tu? sampai balik umah dalam 500km??
xberani nak tgk video tu tkt nnt banjir pulak kt sini. i miss my mom :(
Cheqna, you're really more lucky than me...
I lived about more than 1000 km away from my mom(n my dad too)... so I just only can visit them once in a year... on aidil fitr...
I like th video Cheqna...
It's also moved me...hehe...
(miss my mom...!!)
terimakasih..amiin, semoga kita sama2 jadi insan yang soleh solehah..
hehehe..kelakar la u dik..TK tu my blogger fren, u can read her blog at Postcards From Malaysia - in my let's peek list..
alaa..kesian la u sis, tak pe...bila rindu2..chat lah online ke...sure bersemangat u nanti..
alhamdulillah i'm given the chance in terms of time and means to go back n visit my mum quite often these days..
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