Been meaning to bake bread since weekend..but was not really into it...
however, after work this evening when I had the mood, I quickly took out the ingredients, and started kneading..
~ food processor "given" d day off..
however, after work this evening when I had the mood, I quickly took out the ingredients, and started kneading..
~ food processor "given" d day off..
20 minutes after leaving it to rise :
During that waiting time, fried veggie for dinner :
Next, divided the dough into 12, rolled into balls, and left it to rise for a further 15 to 20 minutes :
(..buns of different sizes? ..hehe..)
Meanwhile, steamed siakap fish for 5 to 7 minutes (I love my microwave oven, lessen my time in d kitchen!..hehe..)
By this time the buns were ready to be baked,
...into the convectional oven at 180C,

...n 25 minutes later... :
...into the convectional oven at 180C,

...n 25 minutes later... :
yummy bun....sedapnya
antar ke umah erk hehehe :)
jiran baru sebelah rumah ye..hehehe..
more food... more food... hahaha... england... those lucky englishmen hahahah
alaa ade kismis
i wonder why i tak suka kismis.
rajinnya bake! hehe...nak jugak!
Makan roti dengan ikan? Nak sikit!!!! har har har *evil laughs*
Menci tau! Socceroos tak lepas.
Wah rajinnya..buat roti lagi, masak lauk lg..I tak penah buat roti - tak pandai...Kalau I buat roti, rumah mesti bersepah2...jangan harap nak masak2 lauk lepas tu..
harus roti ku cicah kopi je..
sedapnyer makanan akak letak ni... nyum2...
what to do, my fav. past time ~ cooking n eating..hehehe..
England vs Germany next? they need all the luck?
makan laa kismis tu, mcm kacang je..hehe..nanti bertambah bijak...
nak juga...resepi? no problem..hehehe..
go n have that magnum ice cream n consol urself..hehehe..
u still hv NZ next in line for ur support right??
siakap steamed tu?..tak boleh..sedap ratah cam tu je so tak boleh share...har har har..(tiru jg ur laugh)
itu time rajinnya, time "tak rajin", senyap sunyi lah dapur tu, main order burger, pizza or even order hot food from kedai dkat rumah ~ balik kerja ambik ..hehehe
nasib baik tgok gambarnya aje dik, if dapat rasa sekali, lama2 naik lah berat badan, mcm tuan punya masakan ni..haha..
ckckck...hebatnya untie Cheqna nih... baking bread while cooking fish...?!haha
pastinya nonton bola ga ketinggalan tuh.... awas gosong kuenya untie!!!hehe...
Yummy..bun with curry ..pergh..terangkat gitu dek buns..the food variety la..not on the head one hahaha..
All the dishes look good dear..tapau can?
multitasking..senang aje as ruang dapurnya kecil...
cooking whilst watching cooking programs, supper masa tengok WC...
n my kgs tambah2 lagi...hehehe..
if buns on d head tak boleh la den nak nolong...haha..
tapau can, no prob..but this batch gone dear..hehe..
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