Caught the last half hour of the match between Portugal vs North Korea, and by the final whistle it was :
Portugal 7 - 0 North Korea
Raul Meireles (28') | Simão (52') | Hugo Almeida (55') | Tiago (59', 88') | Liedson (80') | Cristiano Ronaldo (86')

(Photo: Getty Images)
Actually, by d fifth goal, I was hoping the game was over...
..too much... its back to "without a trace"..
Raul Meireles (28') | Simão (52') | Hugo Almeida (55') | Tiago (59', 88') | Liedson (80') | Cristiano Ronaldo (86')

(Photo: Getty Images)
Actually, by d fifth goal, I was hoping the game was over...
..too much... its back to "without a trace"..
Pesta gol betul Portugal masa last tu.. kesian lak tengok korea..
isk isk isk... kesian N. Korea...
itulah..sedih juga tengok...pesta2 pun limit lah sikit ek?
well, to put is simply. they didn't just beat Nkorea. they annihilated em. 7-0 seems more like inhumane and genocidal than a good match. it almost feels unfair. but then im sure it would had made some good goal moments
by d end we wished that they at least could score a goal, tp dah penat agaknya..
better luck next game.
pity the thrashed team...they should limit the goals!
hehe..that's this tender hearted lady's point of view ~ who still has not understand n figure out the offside!..haha..
So sad for North Korea...
Cristiano Ronaldo... wink wink*
i like him lah... hehe
The game was sooooo booooring that we switch channels and watch Wimbledon Tennis instead. At least I get to watch Federer sweat it out against Falla. Mujo tak kalah... Tennis playing Aussies seem to fare better than the footballers with many already moving to 2nd round. har har har *mengantuk*
ye lah, if nak menang pun jgn lah byk2 sangat.
but what do i know :-]
ni mesti u thrilled masa he scored the 6th eh? heboh agaknya setaman..hehe..
see, i don't even realised Wimbeldon has started ~ but then I dont really follow tennis like i used to..hehe..
have a good rest lah Brad, go n join Angie in her hibernate zone, no war ye
hahaha... masih demam bola neh Cheqna..?!
I dukung yg menang saja...haha..
not as bad as last week, tension laa watching the games..hehehe..
kenduri gol sakan..almost sinful hahaha..jangan balik korea kena punish udah ler.
balik sana jadi pelakun drama..Sonata South Africa...
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