Watched the 2nd half of Korea vs Greece game till d end, after final whistle it was 2 - 0 to the Koreans.
Congrats to the Koreans, but during the game mum kept on saying, let the Greeks score a goal (~ she was hoping at least they don't lose so badly..hehe..)

(Photo Jamie McDonald/Getty Images)
Nobody - Wonder Girls
~ World Cup : its now Argentina vs Nigeria,
although the rest of d family go for Argentina,
my support goes to Algeria(update : eh,eh Nigeria, n they lost 0 - 1..)...hehe..
but its already 1 - 0,
although the rest of d family go for Argentina,
my support goes to Algeria(update : eh,eh Nigeria, n they lost 0 - 1..)...hehe..
but its already 1 - 0,
mmm...another 80 mins to go
Viva Korea.. 'Aza aza fighting' !!! haha...
really love 'Nobody' n wonder girls too...nice!!
sorry Cheqna... but I didnt care about Argentina or Nigeria...
am not a fan of soccer
hehe..not much that I know about football, but the fever is catching esp. here at mum's house...and I normally go against everyone's fav..haha..
yes..Nobody is catchy.. :-)
You're a football fan :)
once in a while...hehehe..
sampai last 1-0, tak berapa sangat bola ni tapi sabit anak-anak dah buka bola, once a while jengah-jengah la sambil belek blog, bila tengok dia org dah tukar channel lain, eh dah habis bola ek, dia org kata dah pak, terus kita tulis komen ni he he.
saya sokong Korea! Yay!
haha.. both were good games.. haha :D
I go for South Korea, all becoz I have Korean friends here and like Korean food, I even cook "jabchai" (korean noodle) once in a while :)
My favourite figureskater is Yuna Kim, also S.Korean. All the best Korea!!!
Btw Cheqna, I just saw England gets a draw against US, all becoz of the blunder by the goalie, shame...shame...
I was once so crazy about Korea siap g Seoul kot2 ternampak bintang filemnya. . Bagi Korea menang part part movie ni je la. Usually I sokong negara2 Amerika Selatan like Brazil and Argentina....I tak tahu nak sokong mana sebenarnya!!!!!
memang lah u tak minat dgn bola sepak least i do watch d games once a while..n my fav team in EPL is of course Manchester United...
for this 2010 WC, Korea my second after England, but why lah only draw ...ish ish ish...
was it? i had not really watch the game..hehe..
I.a dear,
yes, my fav skater is also Yuna Kim! but i missed her winning performances during Olympic early this year ~ was away that time. n U'll give d recipe of that noodle one day ye?
kesian England team [except that goalie - kita petition buang dia?..haha..]
when's Orange's turn? Ilham ready with all the team's merchandise?..hehe.
TK... betul2 minat sampai ke Korea u mencari...hehehe...
sometimes i watch Korean series but tak pernah tengok Winter Sonata, sedih2 sangat tak boleh lah..haha..
eh! akak pun minat bola ker? hehe mmg best korea menang! hehe
I've been watching all the games too. Cats don't need to go to work so no need to worry about lack of sleep. Can't wait for Aus vs Ger tomorrow at 4.30am. har har har *evil laughs*
sebab ni world cup boleh lah layan dik, if tiap2 bulan tak sanggup juga..hehe..
Cats with *evil laughs*,
that's Brad talking right?..n not Angie(who is not into football)? lah, u only need catnaps :-)
Oooh Yuna is so pretty and graceful... I saw her short program in Olympic, but missed the long program :( Had to search on youtube, but couldn't find it, it had been taken out by the Olympic committee, I heard.
Even better i will cook u the jabchai. It is sweet potato noodle, bigger version of soohoon..
I.a...I also searched for wonder i couldnt find anywhere..hehe..
waaah..i love the idea that u'll cook for me the jabchai..tq fren!
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