I found this in my sister's freezer last month :
My brother n brother-in-law had been out one night to join the fun of "Candat Sotong", and came back with about 20kgs of squid!
Then late last month my boss and his family went to join the activity, but they weren't lucky, came back with almost nothing...
(better chance of "catching" the squid at "Pasar Payang" in Kuala Terengganu!..hehehe...).

They heard that although this is the season to attract tourists, many of them came back from the trips feeling disappointed...
because instead of using this..

...somehow, some have been using sweep-net or trawl...

mmm...if it is true, may be the state government can take action on that..
anyway, back to the squid...
this time its about making "sotong sumbat" @ squid filled with glutinous rice...
this time its about making "sotong sumbat" @ squid filled with glutinous rice...
i should slow down on such offer..haha..
this "helpful" me offered to cook that when someone said that she had never eaten it, luckily its only for the 5 of us and my boss said I could use our dept's fund..hahaha..
so last Thursday, I was in the kitchen by 7am cooking it! :-)
this "helpful" me offered to cook that when someone said that she had never eaten it, luckily its only for the 5 of us and my boss said I could use our dept's fund..hahaha..
so last Thursday, I was in the kitchen by 7am cooking it! :-)
(cooking the coconut milk over slow heat..)
(in the meantime, filled the squid with pre-cooked glutinous rice)
(added it to the "broth")
(and done!)
:-) d boss jokingly said...there was one part he couldn't eat..
of course not..that was the tooth pick used to "staple" the end part of the squid..
his secretary was laughing...
the cook?....L.O.L..

of course not..that was the tooth pick used to "staple" the end part of the squid..
his secretary was laughing...
the cook?....L.O.L..

hahaha...Cheqna,not only you...I think everybody didnt like Monday, include me...
About "sotong sumbat" @ squid filled with glutinous rice... you really a very creative cooker...fren... 2 thumbs-up for you...
Haha... must be yummy!!
my dad suka gila sotong sumbat tu...
everytime pergi terengganu mesti dia cari sotong sumbat..teehehe~
Nensa..glad i have a fren in the "Monday blue" mood..hehehe..
not creative lah fren, my mum used to make this when i was small, so whenever i cook anyhing that she used to make for us, it wld remind me of her..
but u know what, she still gives me "instructions" how to cook certain dishes!..haha..
give me a note if u want to try it, simple really.
really sis?..then may be u can cook for him this coming father's day...
surprise him with ur talent in the kitchen...resepi Terengganu mari..hehe..
Why does the chef look like godzilla? Or is that a croc? har har har *evil laughs*
Unfortunately, cats can't eat glutinous rice. Nanti bulu semua gugur....euwww...
Cats dear,
how that chef looks like "tiada kaitan sama ada yang hidup atau yang mati"..
but if u had said looks "cute" ...errr..adalah sikit2, somewhere..hahaha..
u can't?..then ur mama can get extra portion..purrrfect!
I always catch sutun at the pasar!! I heard that sutun dah berkurangan lately. A lot of people came home with not many sutun.Pandainya u make ketupat sotong... tak pernah lagi makan yg tganu punya padahal dah 3 tahun dok sini..
first of all..welcome back..lama menghilang n tak update
mm..sutun dah merajuk kot bila buat pesta2 macam tu..nasib baik boleh lagi cari kat pasar, hehe..
:-) hehe..
you make me drool... arrgghhh... yummy sotong!
pay back for the yummy cakes that we can only see (n not have) at your sites?
Rasanya pernah makan tapi segan punya pasal rasa sikit je. Sedap.Tak lah kempunan tapi kempunan nak menikmatinya puas-puas. Masa tu duduk di area Temerloh, tapi keliling semuanya orang Besut.
Best posting ni, asal mula sotong di laut sampailah masuk ke mulut, semuanya diceriterakan dengan menarik.
interesting. should try this on day :)
boleh buat kat rumah sendiri then tak segan nak makan, hehehe..kalau dapat sotong yang ada telur, lagi lah kaw...check betul2 masa beli.. :-)
haha..tq tq, i like that ~ dari laut sampai ke mulut ~ but postings masak n makan je..as Nensa reminded in previous posting, so my diet tah ke mana...hehehehe...
simple really, kejam mata pun boleh sumbat sotong tu...hehe..
pengen rasanya nyobain
Blogger Pinrang,
hehe, silakan..senang aja
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