I think I'll go for English breakfast (or rather brunch) today as consolation, ....
waaahh..how come England lost 1 - 4 to Germany???

waaahh..how come England lost 1 - 4 to Germany???
"Cats" down there is rolling on the floor ~ surely grinning with glee..n my boss said his condolence when he reached the office this morning..but yes TK..."sabo" aje lah( = i.e be patient with it)

A special 'song' for Cats
p/s ~ I don't see the connection between the Fair Lady with the falling down of the "London Bridge" in there..hehe..
(Update : )
Didn't have time to go for breakfast or brunch so went for lunch instead and I ordered fried bihun :
..had an additional : fruit "salad" a.k.a rojak..
I know I shouldn't go "food hunting" when I'm hungry
We're celebrating England's loss with some home made cekodok down here. Nak sikit? har har har *evil laughs* Viva Argentina!!!!
huh! mmg xleh trima kalah teruk sgt! adoi.. kecewa dgn england...
luckily I'm reading ur offer after i've had my lunch, if not sure terliur...
mende mung sokong Argentina..hehehe..
nasib baik akak tak tengok live..pengecut!..hehe.
next time ambik club ajelah wakil england, at least they all can work well together kan?..macam Man Utd ke..hehehe..tak nak ngaku team yg menang EPL tu..hahaha..nyakat org chelsea..
And what has a bridge got to do with it all? A falling down one at that. har har har *evil laughs*
with the "Three Lions" falling on top of the 11 'roos...hahaha...
I senyum sowang2 bca posting ni..I pun terbayang2 si kucing tu dgn evil laughnye..har har har!
I am sorry that England lost. I tgok sampai habis game semalam. I tell u German pakai bomoh Afrika..they put something kat kasut. Sbb tu England jd mcm takleh nak buat ape pun...Chewah sejak bila pulak I jd penyokong bomoh afrika ni..haha
I tunggu Argentina ngan Brazil je skrg..if they make it to the final..My son fanatik Argentina, my daughter peminat Brazil..
England kalah ha..ha..ha.. Kalau lineman tak silap pun masih kalah ha..ha..ha..
I really enjoyed watching the game with my visitor, esp. since he was a supporter of England, ha..ha..ha..
i think nak hantar kuching tu hibernate somewhere in next W.C lah..provided soccerros masuk lah..haha..
terer u...senang2 kita buat fan club bomoh afrika lah..hehehe
I amsterdam
aisey kawan..u laugh at me ek..is there someone anywhere who can sympathise with me ~ the Malaysian fan (hehehe...)
Umi pun tak tau nak cakap apa kat Cheqna selain dari sabor je la dek non..England kalah mmmm..jaguh kampung kot macam kita gak hahaha.Anyways food looks good ..song was sweet..thanks for sharing my dear.
Umi dear,
bagus laa Umi cakap berhemah..tak lah sedih beno..jaguh kampung jugak ye..hehehe..
u r welcome..n see its bihun again 4 me..tokey bihun boleh kaya macam ni..haha..
curikk fried bihun.
isk isk isk... sedih bebenor lah yer :P
eh eh..mana sesuai makan dgn ikan pancing kat kolam tu sis..hehehe..
that's why d fried bihun gone in a short time..hehehe..
I want your additional fruit salad, Cheqna. I call it rujak here.
The World Cup this year full of surprises :)
btol tu kak ingatkan england boleh pegi jauh sbb pusingan kelayakan dorang bagus.. rasanya sbb dorg x ambik beckham kot? hehe btol kata akak tu 4thn lagi baik suruh man u atau chelsea je pegi
Cheqna & TK,
Amboi! Tak baik mengata kucing tau! With one cat hibernating, England bungkus at 2nd round. If both cats hibernate, England won't even qualify. har har har *evil laughs*
it surely full of surprises, now don't have any fav. team to support, I'll just wait for d final, hehe..
yea for beckham..kesian asst coach tu, nasib baik dia tak main, if not teruklah juga dia kena kutuk org sana..hehehe..
no, u got it wrong..if 2 cats hibernate, England juara cos no one to disturb the team with the *evil laughs*..har har har..
but we luv ya!
sokong england ekkk..semalam temankan rt tengok bola sambil buat bun..kunun2 nak tengok argen lwn mexi..tapi dua dua tv tengok kita..hihihi tertido..akak tak gitu minat sgt..tapi takmo gak ketinggalan ketapikan...just for fun aje..
hehehe..tak la fanatik, saje suka sakat2 orang..esp cats "down under" tu..tengoklah dia mesti tak sokong socceroos bila dah balik KL nanti..haha..
bun?..mine tak jadi2 gebunya..hehe..
Whuaduhh... pada gila bola semua nih... but am not, Cheqna!!
felt sorry for all England supporter...kasian banget ga masuk final ye...hiks...
sabar all...ok hehe...
sad for them..ni sebab Beckham tak de la...hehehehe..
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