Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet
Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country's siege on Gaza.(Read more)
(Al Jazeera's report on board the Mavi Marmara before communications were cut)
My prayers are for those on the fleet and their families..
and for the people of Gaza...
may they have their freedom and peace soon...
and for the people of Gaza...
may they have their freedom and peace soon...
"Try not to cry"

My doter attends religious private school. Baru2 ni kat sekolah dia tgok video kekejaman Palestin utk kutip derma.She told me..sedih mama..everyone cried. Bcoz of that she would never buy coke..n slalu marah I beli coke..
sometimes kids kena di"expose" dgn news macam ni kan, so that they will be more appreciative of what they have, and also semoga menjadikan mereka di antara yang sentiasa bersyukur...
Alhamdulillah ur daughter dapat menghayatinya..
[yelah, dengar cakap dia tu... :-) ]
Seluruh dunia mengutuk keganasan terbaru Israel ini, tapi apakah tindakan yang di ambil dunia terutamanya US??
My heart bleeds when I see those innocent children....
Dear I.a...
mula2 je they all "bising", then lepas tangan..
the children that deserve to grow and yet they are not, just b'cos the adults are "busy conquering" d world..agaknya hati dah tiada belas kasihan pada sesama manusia...
But they have returned to Our Creator and be in peace, those "torturers"?
Allah jua yang membalasnya...
This brutal attack makes me so angry!
Let's pray for Palestine freedom...
this is soo messed up. those israely guys have sure got the whole situation messed up further. can't they put this shit down and make things work. its soo sad.
Yahudi ni dah tak kisah sapa2 lagi... btw on Nuffnang, try lah add all 3 sizes to your blog... Now ada satu je... :)
I'm also angry.. I pray for Palestine Free!!!
Keadaan yang mengaibkan akibat kelemahan dan tidak bersatunya negara dan pemimpin Islam, hanya boleh mengutuk tindakan tapi tak berdaya untuk bertindak. Satu yang zalim tapi kuat vs yang ramai tapi lemah. Situasai yang dirgahayu untuk kita.
Really felt sorry for Palestine...
can do nothing, except pray for them...
yes, let's pray for their freedom and also for the peace of the world.
Nitin, its so sad indeed that they could get away with messing up other people's lives...
entahlah apa lagi yang mereka nak, terlalu keras kah hati...sanggup melihat n melakukan apa saja.
n tq for the tips! i'll check it out.
it's a feeling shared by many all over the world and yet they still could do whatever that they want...
yes, let's pray for them and for the peace of the world..
...kesilapan besar apakah yang umat Islam telah lakukan or hikmah apakah disebalik dugaan terhadap saudara2 kita di sana serta umat Islam amnya..
Allahu'alam..tetapi yakinlah dengan janji Allah SWT, akan sampai bantuan-NYA pada waktu yang dikehendaki-NYA...
let's pray for them.
I feel sad thinking of the children there..
that song really touch my heart.
kita sedap2 tido mlm2 disini. what about they in palestine.
betul tu Nard..bersyukur kita dapat tidur dengan keadaan yang selesa..
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