"Cats" mama sent us an e-mail about picking "your own cherries" at a farm, [when what she should have done was sending us the cherries instead..hehehe..]

It didn't bother me much as we'd just "picked" some from a mall the day before.. :-)
so I made sure I took this proof before eating this next "picking"..
Some info on cherries' benefits (extract from here)
Cherries contain..
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin A
* Bioflavonoids
* Ellagic acid
* Perillyl
* anthocyanins
* Melatonin
The nutrients and compounds found in cherries give the following health benefits..
* Help fight cancer
* Aid in prevention of heart disease
* Relieve Pain of Arthritis, Gout, Headaches
* Ease the symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia Syndrome
* Provide a healthy and safe way to produce melatonin
* Improve physiological and mental functions
More info on benefits (here)
Cherries are low in calories, low in fat and contain a high percentage of water. Research has shown increasing water consumption will boost energy levels and help increase the metabolism. Many people are discovering the benefits of eating high water fruits like cherries for help in losing weight.
mmmm..I like that (help in losing weight..hehehe..)
wah!!i like it too!!blh kurus!!hihi
Hmmm I love cherries, but I didn't know that it has so many benefits.
Agreed with you, she should have sent the real ones ha..ha..
Wah...kutuk my Mama ye? Baru nak hantar 1 kontena. CANCELLED!!!!! purrrr....meow!
..going to get 1 box today!...
Money: We have purchased Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera (AHB)
perghh!! terliur plak sy tgk!
part tu yang paling best baca..hehehe..
haa dengar to "Cats"..should send me the real ones now.. :)))
yup, didnt know before about the benefits as well, but now with the weight loss factor, have strong reason to buy, haha..
Cats my dear,
u cancelled 1 kontena, sending me TWO instead kan, kan?
"she loves me yeah, yeah, yeah"..
Cik Peah,
I can be a good salesperson eh?
"selling cherries! selling cherries!...come and buy everyone.. buy 2 get 2 only!"
so where is that place where you can pick your own cherries apart from the mall? :)
hehe..dik boleh lah gi beli sendiri.
syhhh...I'm *letting the "Cats" out of the bag* that its Down Under
Salam Cheqna. Thanks for coming to my blog!
Cherry picking is fun! We have done that once. In Japan, the cherries are so expensive. Susah nak makan puas2. So since cherry picking boleh makan puas-puas...kitaorang pun petik the cherries and makan terus. huhuhu...takyah basuh pun! Basuh melengahkan masa since we were given only 30minutes! haha...:)
woooo.. makan cherries boleh kurus ek.. kena cuba nih..
Ooo ni nak cover la..
Hari tu dah makan coklat byk2.
Skrg makan cherries je ye..
Lama I tak makan cherries..
La ni musim makan ubi kayu..hehe
look yummy and juicy,,hmm delicious!
W'salam Nana,
hahaha..mesti lagi best tu ada time limit, can imagine u rushing petik, makan, petik, makan, who would have time to fikir about basuh2.. :)
pls don't mind me keeping your blog in view, and thanks for coming over!
sila sila..hehehe..
but dont ask for my progress..benda lain pun makan sedap je, so badan maintain "chomel"..ha ha
tau tak pe..hehehe..
ubi kayu rebus ke? kat Ganu makan dengan kelapa, ikan masin..dapat sambal tumis..and air kopi..mmmm..
yup, delicious delicious..kejap je "hilang" dari bekas..hehehe..
is it really really delicious?
cherries!!!Bie pun suka.sedap sangat2.
selalu saja abis bie makan hehe..
beli sndiri? mne nk cari tp kalau akak blah nk la.. lalalala
hehehe...akak can really be salesperson jual cherries.. :)
if tak abis tak boleh beli lagi next time kan?..hehehe
dik Nick,
ye lah lalalala...if terjumpa akak musim cherries ada jual kat M'sia ni, boleh je belanja..
n offer ni utk adik je, dah tutup permohonan utk yang lain..muflis pulak nanti..hahaha
sebab tu arr mesti abis kan hahaha
btul, btul, btul!..hehehe
cherry comel comel!!! suka
wow ! enaknya ... boleh kirim kahke aku .... heheheeh ... :)
blogwalking sambil flw
xjemu lagi cherry sis?
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