"Move out of your comfort zone.
You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward
and uncomfortable when you try something new."
You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward
and uncomfortable when you try something new."
That's one of the reasons we went out and did the "journeys".

Was in The Manhattan (Fish Market) Restaurant, in KL.
Before we "flew" to Seoul (Garden) in PJ

But they can't beat the favourite when in Terengganu
(google images)
Ikan singgang
with budu (sometimes with tempoyak..mmmm)

and ulam Raja/Daun selasih

That would make me forget about my diet!
p/s ~ Should I go for trips to Amsterdam and Sydney?? or Japan?
Tidur je kat rumah. Musim hujan ni sedap tarik selimut je. purrr....meow!
You are so right la...mana bole lawan ikan singgang and Budu!! Last week we all makan kat our favourite restaurant kat Kuala Berang. Makan lauk2 kampung ikan sungai, ngan ulam-ulam tu. Perghhh! Kami makan mcm 10 hari tak makan..Kalau nak g situ lagi, I kena diet seminggu dulu..
lama tak jumpa ikan singgang nih... balik kampung baru boleh dapat :)
wah singgang best tu :) cuma budu je belum pernah cuba makan... hehehe
chewahh gi trip ker!! pulun je semuanya hehehe. jangan lupa ajak Bie sekali kih3
Cats dear,
ha ah best tidur..but after dah makan all those..hehehe..
dahsyat tu..must be really good..tak pernah la pulak makan singgang kedai cos normally masa odw balik kmpg my sister wld call to ask apa nak makan for lunch, standard answer "biasalah.." she'll know its singgang and budu with lots of cillies and bawang and ulam2..hehe
somehow I seldom cook singgang here, may be want to preserve that special moments on arriving in KT and have that for lunch or dinner..hehe
kalau dah cuba budu sekali, nak lagi nanti :)
trip? dak eh..berangan je nak gi trips, teringin nak gi Korea but perang2 so cancel lah angan2 tu.
so yg affordable, cari kedai2 makan tu..hehe
sedap2 makanan dalam blog akak ni..
p/s=maaf kak sbb sy slalu dtg komen masa gambar makanan je? sbb nk komen lain sy ni hehehehe lemah sikit B.I hehehehhehehhehe
Ingatkan Cheqna dah decide nak gi Korea...nasib baik cuma gi restoran je... Come here then we'll show you our version korean glass noodle he..he..
Dengar budu je dah terliur ni... teringin nak makan singgang, tapi x tau buat. Pernah cuba masak sekali tapi x sedap :( Kena menuntut ngan org T'ganu juge...
Btw, sup apa kat Korean resto. tu??
BI akak bukan yg susah2nya pun, tak perlu buka kamus..hehe..tulis saja nak suka2kan hati, bior awet muda gitu :)
anyway, really appreciate your visits dik!
p/s- nasib baik duk jauh, kalu tak, tiap kali kata sedap kena belanja..hehe..
I.A...hehehe..that's d only Seoul for us at d moment..bit risky to go with d conflict going on there?..
so we might take up on your offer for that Korean noodle! and we'll cook singgang for u.. :)
the soup? 3 version~normal/plain, tom-yam and herbs(we didnt try that)
p/s - got my email?
Ooops...will check my email now he..he..
Do come..do come here :D (wide grin)
hehehe...there are lots of yummy food from around the world...but the best is still our national food :)
Sorry for the late visit Cheqna, I've got connection trouble for days...
Nothing can beat Malaysian cuisine. I agree! Tapi sekali sekala, boleh la makan western, chinese, japanese, korean, arabian...
Ah...malaysia is food heaven!
cheqna...your journey really 'best'..nothing beats that ikan singgang / budu / ulam raja...sedappppnyerrrrr..
Challenges of a Working Mommy
I. A..now macam nak sabar pulak nak ke Holland...hope its not going to be ke restaurant Amsterdam in KL je..hehehe..
smoga dimurahkan rezeki nak ke sana n visit u.
betul betul.. :)
no wonder havent seen u "rounding" the bloggers world, hope its ok now.
right, sesekali tukar selera..I love all those thou japanese setakat certain type of sushi je, but at the moment selalu gi makan kat restaurant arab..dgn nasinya yg banyak..huh hilang diet seminggu..hehe
Cik Peah,
tak dapat gi actual journey, ronda2 the world in KL..hehehe.
mmm..when next in KTrg kena ronda Taman Tamaddun Islam, itu pun boleh keliling dunia juga. :-)
the seoul part looks interesting...
Macam entry kali ni makan sedunia lak entry kali ni... tadi makan subway seketull.. macam tak cukup je..
mau pegi holland ka? bestnyer jalan2.. travel2..
Hahaha kalau macamtuh gi trip tgk channel korea je la.
tau dah u memang suka korean......dramas :)
Emy, angan2 je..
subway sandwiches sedap kan? hehe..pasal makan memang sedapnya..:)
btul3...visit Korea with the comfort of home, relaxing and cheaper too! :)
Actually for me too,nothing can beat my favourite home cook food.
most importantly, you can always have second round when eating at home..hehe
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