Had a dose of Upin and Ipin TV series this morning before I left for work.
I watched how much they enjoyed having fried noodles with eggs :

(and I went drooling over it..hahaha)
At the office I was still thinking of what to have for breakfast today when our office mate came and brought few "bungkus"(/packs?) of 'nasi lemak'...

I love this video..
Geng - Musical Scene
(my 3-in-1 red guara cafe)
And after 10 minutes... :-)
I love this video..
Geng - Musical Scene
wah... menu yang simple.. tapi saya dah rasa lapar.. nak chow g lunch ler.. :)
Cukup ke..sebungkus..ahaks!
Very interesting video. Cantikla gambar video tu..No wonderla Upin and Ipin ni famous sgt. Kat Indonesia pegi mana2 nampak Upin Ipin. Kat Berjaya Time Square ada jual setem Upin Ipinkan?. Tak pegi beli ke?
simple menu but bigger issue on diet..haha.
hope by now dah kenyang... :)
itu pagi..dah cukup. Just had lunch - yong tau foo soup..macamanalah nak slim..hehe
ada stamps? didnt know that...but I dont like going to B.T.S, even with the GPS..haha, so I limit to comic books U n I je.
mmg perut berbunyi je dtg blog akak..
saya minat guara juga :-)
We love nasi lemak & we love Upin-Ipin too :)
Cooked nasi lemak last night, for dinner...sambal bilis & kepak ayam goreng!!! Yumm..yumm... Ilham tambah 4 kali!!!! he..he.. lama x masak...
Nasi lemak and mee goreng! All my favorites! We had nasi lemak for dinner two days ago. Bukannya tak makan langsung kat sini tapi entah camana, tiap2 kali tengok jer gambar nasi lemak, teringin nak makan lagi. Ish2...balik malaysia guarantee gemuk lah I ni! Gerun, gerun!
drooling over the mee goreng and nice music video of upin and ipin :)
Fried noodle is also my favorite meal...
I also like watching Upin Ipin series...betul betul betul :)
bagus lah tu, mana boleh akak je sorang yg perut selalu menyanyi..hehe
hehe..best kan cafe tu?
thank u for coming over.
I.A dear,
if Ilham 4 kali..mama nya?..hehe.
ye lah, lama tak masak for me :)
you teringin bila tengok gambar nasi lemak..i pernah tengok dalam Upin n Ipin and immediately masuk dapur n masak!..hahaha..
masak sendiri bahaya, ada peluang nak tambah2..so my gerun is more kot sebab suka masak n suka makan..
payback for the yummy cupcakes at your blog..hehehe
they are so cute eh. I've watched the movie many times, try to catch the series on TV, and bought 2 sets of the monthly comics ~ 1 set for my own collections..hehehe
he..he.. mak ilham 2 kali je (wink2)
hehe..sorry I.A..gurau je :)
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