The newly aquired GPS helped when we went to to Shah Alam for a wedding, reached there safely thou it took a bit of travelling time due to Friday's traffic and rain.
Checked in for the night

Had a mug of cereal [with spirulina ~ current favourite :)] before we went down. Luckily, as the food was served only after 9pm, and I was quite hungry then..hehe..

Alhamdulillah, the ceremony went smoothly.

The next day we had another kenduri in Seremban, and managed to get out of Shah Alam smoothly, so the GPS investment is worth it (so far)..hehe..
But of course it couldnt helped us reach there on time due to heavy traffic from Nilai to Seremban toll, haha
Weekend makan kenduri!!! Sedapnya.. teringin pulak nak makan nasi minyak ni.. sapa nak masak ye??
The GPS didn't show you the short cut from Nilai to Seremban? purrr...meow!
Cool gadget :)
traffic jam is a never ending problem in Malaysia. It must be frustrating kan when u have a device that supposedly can estimate the arriving time but tak sampai2 juga due to the traffic!
I am happy you had fun at the wedding. It seems Asian countries are having the same problem with traffic jam. :)
stayed in concorde ke? we are just behind it :P
Weekends during this school holiday are full of weddings so it's a sure bet population will increase next sept.
The GPS really helpful kan..yg ni PAPAGO ke GARMIN..cheqna?
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I.A dear,
nanti google resepi ek and masak2 sendiri..hehehe
Cats my dear..
ur mama knows the shortcut, so that GPS needs her guide and instruction! haha
yes really, and I feel slightly confident to go out of my normal area..hehe
how true, sometimes if I have the option to use longer route I'd take it, doesnt matter if I have to pay extra toll cos its better for my peace of mind..hehe
I think because in certain cities its just that the town grows bigger and no proper planning for the infrastructure.
But sometimes I do enjoy the traffic jam and all cos then I could listen to my favourite CDs or radios longer..hehe
REALLY???...if only I'd known that, I could have the delicious cakes mamapasha has been making..rugi, rugi..
that reminds senior also said her house is somewhere behind it and I was supposed to call and drop by her house the next morning...oops..
double loss...
hehe trust you.
Cik Peah,
GARMIN slightly expensive kan..i bought the local one kat plaza Low Yatt..something GTouch ke apa..tak pe lah as long as I dont get lost, boleh pakai lama..sempat susutnilai 3 tahun or more(caya lah orang kerja akaun to say that..haha)
wah travel2 makan2 kenduri2.. tak lupa juga.. trafik2.. jammed2.. hehehe.. next time dont forget to bring the roti.. ;)
oowh.. orang akaun ke nih? walaupun cakap pasal IT term akaun tak bleh tinggai oo.. refering to phrase 'susut nilai'.. hehehehe
yup, di mana ada "jam" di situ ada roti..kenyang2..:-)
akaun? absolutely...hehehe..
wah! best jgk bca entry ni mcm2 ada.. hehe
sesekali datanglah menjenguk..hehe
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