Haven't plan for d next trip back to KT... may be should go back for a few days before the start of Ramadhan month as we normally did in previous years.
I luv d thot of going back (don't have to rush to go out to work..hehe..)
Don't know when we can have the banana fruit..
In d evening, collected some bunga Melur (Jasmine)
Weilor....homesick sokmo demo nih! har har har *evil laughs*
nok buak guane..hehe..
Cheqna, rindu kampung?! hehe...
envy you seriously..wish I have a kampung to go back to...had once upon a time..but no one is there anymore..sad huh.
rindu lah juga...if only TK ada bzness nak employ me..hehe..
one day I'll settle in my own kampung, insyaAllah..
mm...then I wont have any kampung to go back to..but then u can come to visit this kampung geng..hehe..
buah buahan tempatan..
bestnya... ^___^
rambutan my febet yummy..
boleh jadi spokesperson jual buah..
mari,mari beli, murah, murah....hehehe..
petik n makan bawah pokok, best....
hehehe...sakat dia.
I simply adore beaches in Trengganu... :P
n we ourselves seldom go..hehe..
love limau kasturi. if I could have some cold limau kasturi drink would be great in this hot summer. huhu
di kampung meriahkan, hampir segala yang ada boleh buat kita gembira dan riang. Pokok buah-buahannya, rumah tu sendiri selain dari mak ayah, adik beradik dan sedare mare di kg. tapi satulah yang sidihnya, kampung akan hilang satu hari nanti...
that would be great..insyaAllah.
nice to see you are keeping yourself busy. :) thats nice :)
wah! rambutan!!!! fav fruit sy tu! nyum2... hehe
would love that too..
n kampung saya di bandaraya K.T..nasib baik lah masih ada sikit2 suasana kampungnya..
one fine day, insyaAllah :-)
sometimes "over" bz..2day left for some work from 9am n reached home 7pm..
wishing there's a 3rd weekend day..hehehe..
wah.. ramai jg yang suka rambutan ye..hehe.
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