Ever since the AFC channel changed my favorite cooking program between 5pm to 6pm, I accidently found a channel showing NCIS..
and since then I'm hooked on d series.
(source : YouTube)
so most days now after work, I'd tuned in to watch it
..and my favorite character is Abby!
..and my favorite character is Abby!
(source : YouTube)
In a way, its good that I don't watch the cooking program too much, as I would normally end up in the kitchen, cooking..

and burst my diet..haha..

and burst my diet..haha..
But last night, I tried to make some oat cookies..and as usual, didn't really follow the recipe, and the first batch of the cookies turned up like this :
[Bit soft and "fragile" ~ easily broken into small pieces :-)]
So before baking the second batch, I added one egg (that was not mentioned in the recipe), and it turned out better, thou burnt a little bit (too long in the oven)..hehehe..
Third batch...n much better (I think!)
Now I need to figure out how to make it more crunchy..
wahhh tetibe wat oat cookies hehehe
crunchy!! ^___^
rajen nya buat cookies plak..
makan lagi...hehehe..
nak jimat kos beli oat snacks/biscuits, so belajar2 lah hehe..
Cheqna? Makan lagi? OK, blame it on the NCIS. roar! roar! roar!
You love to experiment :)
Sorry I can't help to make it more crunchy...
Hahaha... Cheqna, now Im getting used to see you with plenty of food around!!
Just keep it up, friend!
and be happy...
wow...its seem so delicious, without follow the recipe...:)
Cats dear,
blame it on Abby in that NCIS..hehehe..
if u cant help, then i need to do some more experiments..n that's good news to me..hehe..
and body weight also up (again!)..haha..
tq my fren...be happy always eh.
if it had turned out okay, I wouldn't know how to make it again..n there goes my chance of making a business of it for this eid-ul-fitr.
NCIS?? best jgk cte tu.. ade main kat tv x?
sejak layan NCIS on FOX dah tak layan CSI dah la ni...hehe
Sempat lagi tu, buat cookies! Mesti low calorie punye cookies tu..I trust you..Org jaga badan..
Salam Cheqna
I have watched NCIS..not bad at all..still I wouldnt miss CSI for anything..layan dua2 :)
I am sure practice makes perfect so keep baking..ada banyak masa lagi b4 Eid
hehe tak pasti pulak..kak tengok kat astro..
masih layan lagi..my fav used to be CSI with Grissom, but now with new boss, dont really like her "bossiness"..nasib baik ada Ray tu,cool je..hehehe
that's d purpose, oat to control my diet..kononnya..hehe..
Umi dear,
still watch CSIs..but last week's trilogy, was so tired after bz days..that the tv watched me..hehe
been a while since i made cookies for eid, we have been buying it nowdays..bantu bisness org lain :-)
hmmm oat cookies..healthy stuff..can order some for raya..sorry couldnt kiss kiss u lately..weekend dok rumah using broadband makcik celcom yg sgt slow..trow i will return it as soon as possible...
astro? chnl brapa kak? AXN ker?
tq my fren for always visiting...sorry bit bz lately and been away to my hometown for few days, so as usual when at kampung tak da masa nak ngadap pc sangat..hehe..
710 dik for that NCIS, but kat AXN pun ada one NCIS..for L.Angls ke apa..hehe..
happy watching!
you are top again at http://kisahberuang.com/2010/08/03/thank-you-for-your-comments-july-2010/
thanks :)
i should give others a chance to be "queen of comments"..hehehe.
jalan2..up2 trafic...
Khairul Azmi,
thanks for reading :-)
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