Bag, cap and picnic items?
"Checked!", "Checked!"
and we were ready for our *picnic*
...d "picnic" had taken place during our alumni bowling tournament earlier this month..and getting the "visas" to be away from the families for a day, we really went for the "girls just wanna have fun".
Ours was a "red & white" theme..
and sent 8 players for d 2 teams
and few special "supporters"
complete with "vuvuzela" lent by our "team manager" who could not be there.

we didn't manage to get it right with limited practice..haha..

we might not won d game,
but we enjoyed eating...
but we enjoyed eating...

and eating...

and being ladies...
bit of touched-up at the end of the game...ha ha..

Sunday 25th July 2010
Went out early this morning for the committee meeting, after not attending the last few times..
I actually have not been keen on attending meetings, but had no excuse this time as it was held at the same place as the inter-alumni bowling..haha..

but it was I might go next meeting, when its convenient. :-)
anyway, getting together with d rest of the "sisters" for this event was great, one of our teams got third placing...and the supporters?
Best Cheer Leaders!..hehe..
after all we had this as part of our props!
and I'm having a sore throat now!
ijinkan mengamankan pertamax. klo saya sich suka vuvuzelanya.
terimakasih berkunjung..
food... mesti ada... hehehe...
of course, of wonder we didn't win..
ha ha ha...
wah! byk aktiviti akak ye? best2..
Makanan tu...macamana nak kurus ni??? hehe
Apa2 pun makanan yg memeriahkan suasana di mana kita berada..
So enjoy food !!! Tak payah diet2 ok!
Bestnya dpt main bowling..rindu nak main...
Picnic tu nampak memang happy dan menarik, tapi tang makanan tu yang buat makin meriah. Picnic ada theme, bagus nih..biasa dengar dinner yang pakai theme. Boleh cuba nih..
Wish we could be there too but..... roar! roar! roar!
bestnya pigi picnic....Dah lama Bie tak picnic huhu..
makanan mcmane nak diet??
Eh xper la posa kan tak lagi lama ahaksss :)
dah lamanya tak main bowling. huhu
salam cheqna,
cousin akak tanya akak resipi sotong sumbat..leh tak bagi akak resipi tu..hehehe owang johor tak reti nak buat sotong tu ler..nnti bagi tau yer..tq..
Sound like you have a wonderful time on picnic in the arena...
And the food... never miss...hahaa..
lols.. i never ever thought you'd get rowdy just cheering :P
tu kebetulan banyak..if masa free mula lah nak ngadap pc je..
tp lepas ni kena duk diam2, byk sangat dah keluar rumah..hehe
guane ye nak kurus..hehe...
ye lah best juga berbowling..I've been asked [or rather "forced" ;-)] to play for my batch (2nd team) next year, no more excuse of "stage fright" cos (one year) notice has been given that day after our bowling tournament..hahaha!
my batch has been very sporting bila bab-bab macam ni, not only the players, the supporters also would always join the fun, that's why this year's had been full of food cos it was picnic ~ fun in d sun..
imagine that in d bowling area..hehe..
u missed it this u know what to do next year eh...
and be prepared to come with ur muffins and currypuffs!
special picnic..sapa la yang ada buat kat tempat year some juniors had already requested to play next to our lanes, byk food!..haha..
nasib baik tak kena "halau" by the management..hehehe..
quite interesing rupanya playing ni, i just started in d last few years..hehe..
oh ye ke..sorry bit bz sikit lately baca n reply ni..if by now tak jumpa resepi tu nanti saya cuba tuliskan ye..
it's been fun to get together with my girl-friends..
alhamdulillah that we managed to keep in touch, even thou it might be a meeting of once in a while...its always been full of giggling and story telling..
there's always a funny side of a serious person..hehe..
and when the ladies started it, its like we were back to being teenagers..that's why I guess we won that "best cheer leaders"!
It sounds that you've wonderful picnic times in the bowling arena :)
I've never tried bowling...
yes it was esp. since this tournament was a once a year event, so that's the time we ladies let our hair down n have fun..some say, back to being 17 again..hehe..
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