"...I thought I was happy all this time
But I was obviously blind.
I am now a lost sheep in the dark
Who is constantly searching for the light...."
But I was obviously blind.
I am now a lost sheep in the dark
Who is constantly searching for the light...."
(Excerpt from a poem by Umm Junayd)
For full version of the poem ~ here.
Dato' Sheila Majid, Malaysian "Queen of Jazz"
~ who has been in d music industry for 25 years.


For full version of the poem ~ here.
Dato' Sheila Majid, Malaysian "Queen of Jazz"
~ who has been in d music industry for 25 years.

lovely poems,beautiful song..thank you cheqna
Bestkan lirik lagu ni....kita suka Sheila Majid punya lagu2..and dia pun popular kat endon. Bukan calang calang penyanyi boleh popular kat endon.
BTW, jes wanna share with you, DYMM Sultan Mizan is coming to SS this saturday. Alumni buat reunion.I am a bit nervous. Im in charge backstage uruskan nyanyian bebudak. Budak yg nak nyanyi tp I pulak yg risau ni..
wah! best sajak tu... hmm... thnkz ye kak! :)
suka kumohon.
meaningful sgt. =))
Cheqna? Moody? Feeling the blue? Lemme give u a fish breath hug. MMMMMWWWAAAAHHHH!!!! har har har *evil laughs*
sape-2 kenal Shiela majid, elok tanya apa petua dia maintain slim. kalau dapat share la dgn kita orang sekali. :)
I seriously didn't know that sheep do get lost in the dark...
x minat sajak tp cheqna punya pasal jadi suka jugak :))
tq for taking d time to read :-)
seronok u..good luck!..relaks ye cikgu, n senyum2 sokmo!
do share with us nanti.
tq dik, akak pun terus suka masa terjumpa sajak tu online semalam..
akak tak de lah pernah terperasan sgt lirik lagu tu until bila terjumpa kat youtube, kebetulan macam sesuai dgn sajak yg akak jumpa.
Cats dear,
hugs okay, not fish breath..tak sanggup!!! sebotol perfume tak cukup cover, haha..
but lovely thot, tq! ..hehehehe...
btul,btul,btul..dapat rahsia maintain dia tu.."chomel lote" je org2 pantai timur kata...
n org pantai timur ni memang nak cuba ..hehehe..
sheeps owned by Little Bo-Peep, ..hehehe..
hehehe..so sweet of u..tq.
I minat but tak ada bakat dlm bersastera ni..nak dapatkan satu2 idea punyalah lama nak fikir..hehe..
salam Cheqna,
It's such a religious poem...
I love it!! I even enjoy phrase by phrase...
Thanks for sharing also on MENCARI ILMU...SEEKING KNOWLEDGE..your other blog.
Great post!!
penuh makna sajak tuh cheqna...suka2
teringat balik tym Bie amik sastera
W'salam Nensa,
thank u for ur comments both here n in d other blog, hope it would help in giving us (especially me..) a reminder to be a better person, insyaAllah.
May we always be blessed by Allah SWT...amiin..
Dear Bie,
peminat sajak ye..buatlah sajak best2 sesekali..akak tak pandai..hehe..
The poem is very meaningful...
Sheila Majid is also famous here. I like her voice :)
thank u.
yes, i believe Sheila is famous there..she's sweet.
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