Have been finalising the work for coming audit and finished the draft for approval by noon..
..what better way to celebrate
then having a special dessert..
..what better way to celebrate
then having a special dessert..
Bubur kacang hijau (or green mung bean porridge) with durians!
We actually made it using a small slow cooker in our pantry,
and someone was kind enough to go and buy for us the durians from a nearby mall..hehe..
...we had that with crackers n bread, a dessert before lunch, haha! Our department boss was supporting enough to join us (he especially loved that durians!..hehe..)
I didnt take any lunch after that...trying to cut down..
The last few days, having more of green apples and yogurt..
The last few days, having more of green apples and yogurt..
By d way, we have taken down from our board the world cup schedule that our boss gave, therefore ended the task of one staff in updating it ~ and she didnt even watch the games (but love the octopus thing)!..haha..
So to everyone (especially to Nensa and ps, who now know more on football?) till d next event..hope u all have enjoyed the World Cup this time round!


hahaha... Cheqna dear, I wanna thank to u from the bottom of my heart as I could enjoy and happy for the WC around this time...truly becoz of U, girl...!! though I just watch the sotong show... and the game I only watch the last game...haha
but it's very memorable..and most waiting to the next WC on 2014..
Hopefully that time we (esp. Cheqna, Umi and rad/ps) would all still exist and could stay together as a great felow blogger..
And bubur kacang.. I love it..!! pls dont just showed it to us... hw about you send it to me about 2 pinggan (for me n my son)...haha...!!
i cant telan apa mix with durian. huhuhu~
more and more food... ohh duriannn....
Love Bubur kachang..Bubur pulut hitam pon suka..Sini durian mahal giler..4 ulas 5 Pounds..kalau convert lagie sakit jiwa!
Waa durian. Baru beli kat Manir. Durian kampung yg murah dan sedap!Hari ni nak sambung makan.. Lama sgt dah tak makan bubur kacang durian tu...
I masih dlm mood fifa lagi. Masih dengar lagi lagu2 fifa 2010 while driving.
Now I know...kalau lapar je pergilah blog Cheqna. Sure lagi lapar punya. Menci tau! Kat sini durian frozen je ada. har har har *evil laughs*
u want d bubur kacang? let me do delivery bzness first..hehe..
n u r welcome!, njoyed d WC more with u and d gang around..
u can or cant? hehe..makan je kita ek..haha
with many food bloggers around, cant help but feeling hungry whenever i visit their sites, so here I'm letting my blogger frens join d fun of eating as well..
in a way, sama2 kumpul kgs...hehehe.
bubur pulut hitam with a dash of santan bila nak makan tu..aduhai sedapnya..hehehe..
yelah, beli barang2 kat sana if fikir convert to RM memang terasa sangat..
so in order tak nak sakit jiwa, either jgn fikir d conversion or jgn beli..hehe..
by now sure dah habis durian manir tu..hehe..
banyak ke lagu2 fifa? ingatkan yg Waka Waka tu je..limited laa pulak taunya..haha..
Cats dear,
come over when u n ur sister-in-hibernation whenever u can...(berani buat offer pada yang jauh beribu2 kilometer away..haha)
but i'll see ur mama soon and may be she can eat on ur behalf..hehe..
*menci tapi rindu*
huwaaa i miss my mom's bubur kacang wth durians!!!
cant leave mssg at yr cbox.so here 3 ki$$ for u :)
bubur kacang ijau dengan durian, resepi traditional berusia ribu tahun tu sejak zaman parameswara lagi tu. suka yang sedang-2. tak manis sangat. resepi ni penuh nostalgia, penuh dengan sentimental valuenya. agaknya sesiapa yang duduk oversea lama tak balik sini, tengok je bubur kacang ijau durian ni ..tentu terkenang kampung dan musim duriannya.sialp-2 boleh terbau durian..
Dear cheqna
Love the bubur kacang durian :)..well this is seasonal so makan jer till season is over haha
Like ps said bubur kacang is very nostalgic...teringat once upon a time malam2 an Indian muslim man would carry his bubur kacang on his shoulder.Kita orang makan cangkung tepi jalan..nikmat tul dengan pulutnya..especially dengan lampu pelita..malam yang berbintang..adeh atmosphere tu.
Have a great and safe weekend.I also hope as Nensa said that 4 years from now we are still here as friends,insyaAllah kalau dipanjangkan umur.
why not try cooking it, in future ur children will miss your bubur kacang..hehe
n tqvm..
waah, u r good in history..sampai zaman parameswara n bubur kacangnya..hehe..
tq for d info fren
seronoknya kenangan u makan bubur kacang tepi jalan..
alahai, bila cerita pasal pelita, teringat main bunga api masa kecik2..hehe..
insyaAllah, semoga dipanjangkan usia persahabatan kita semua..lets make it work n be good friends to each other.
wah! ade durian plak? laponyer.. hehe
i tak suka apa apa yang mix with durian sis..hehe~
my pebet bubur kacang durian....
sedap2 hik2
hehe.. i took the wc schedule off my wall yesterday once i got back.. haha..
kat sini nampaknya "macammmm2 ada"..hehehe..
ohhh..tak minat durian..tak makan lah tempoyak n lempuk..my fav tu..hehehe..
kita se "geng" lah ye (dgn yg ramai2 pun..hehehe..)
u got back to ur own place now, enuf wandering eh?..hehehe..
I love bubur kacang hijau; but I've never mixed it with durian :)ted
one day, do give it a try..hehe..
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