hehehe...actually I do have some ideas to write but its all jumble up in my mind, bit bz and bit tired since weekend so this blog has been in "silent mode"...
To update a bit, got this yesterday from kampung ~ the rambutan fruits that were still green when we were there last month
They have not fully ripen yet but mak wanted us to have it,
thank u mak..
thank u mak..
Its one of my best friend's birthday, so I'm wishing her all d best wishes, may she always be blessed by Allah SWT...

(p/s ~ hope she has not eaten much of the 2 cakes that she got this morning..remember our diet pact my fren...hehe..)
and also its my boss's secretary's birthday today, so we had some nasi briyani takeaways (haha..I got to chose the menu)
ok, short post but i hope its sweet like these cakes that we had during our "picnic" on Sunday...
n that's another story..hehehe..
n that's another story..hehehe..

(mmmm...W.Cup between Uruguay n Netherlands at 2.30am, not going to stay up just for it, have to wait tomorrow morning for the result..wonder which team the octopus chose??)
banyaknya "diet" food... hahahha :)
haha.. byriyani.. can i join?? hehe.. im such a greedy guy.. i am watching the game right now. and urugay just hit the equilizer. its too hard to tell who might make it.. hehe..
hahaha..u r right...banyaklah dietnya..food here n food everywhere, very tempting.
It seems that Netherlands in final eh?..but whichever country won, go n have ur own briyani!..hehe..
Salam Cheqna,
silent mode... but wth food everywhere...hehe...
rambutan hijau tuh manis dak?!
Go Sneijder!!! Mama slept through the game but I was wide awake. Real paw biting game. Hmmm...someone's been eating too much cake! har har har *evil laughs*
sedapnyer menu yg akak letak ni... hehehhee
would you share your rambutan to me..? heheh it seem so fresh..^_^ have a great day...
Nensa dear,
silent mode n eating mood as well..haha..
yes, sweeter if sudah masak.
I dont watch the games since its early morning but told d boss, for d final game, if I'm late on Monday, u know why lah...haha..
d cakes? u blame it on d gang...with choc cakes, nasi lemak etc that day...my diet really really passes me by...hehehe..
Nick..jangan terpengaruh...nanti teruk nak diet giler2 mcm akak yg sorang ni...haha..
lets go and have it fresh from d tree somewhere, have a picnic underneath it - provided there's no ants..hehehe...
hahaha tetiba silent mode :)
yahoo Netherlands menang...
rasanya boleh jadi candidate biggest loser asia tak?...well yours truly aint slim either..problem is I get to smell the zat zat makanan while cooking..so thats additional calories there..not my fault what.
Get well soon ya.Take care dear.
hehehe...silent je not mute yet :)
u go for Netherlands now ye..amboi2..mentang2 dah masuk final...haha..
Cats dear,
Spain is in d dream,
Germany is full of honey,
Don't care whichever team,
Let's sell that sotong for lots of money!
Oh Umi..if I want to be eligible for the contest I could have alllllllll the food that I want first..haha..
but dont think I want to sacrifice my little "efforts" so far..hehe
eh! alamak! hehehe eh! kak! bola spain lwn germany nnt pkul 2 ni akak sokong sape? hehehehe
cute cupcakes!!! can i have some??? send over here please!!
miss my kg when i c those rambutans..mom said mangosteen was abundace and asked me whn i cn come to kg :)
got many celebration here..
why octopus always rite..haih!
Buah rambutan tuh masih asa ker??
Klw ada pos2 kan ler huhuhu
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