and I'm already homesick, haha..thinking that our next trip will be for hari Raya @ Eid ul Fitr...insyaAllah.
hopefully by that time, minor renovations to the house has completed nicely..
hopefully by that time, minor renovations to the house has completed nicely..
Had been quite busy at kampung to update my blogs or read others...
but for this post just want to jot down that yesterday (Tuesday 3rd. Aug) Faraheen got her "e-book" computer, given to year-5 students by the Terengganu govt.
...while busy packing, Batrisyia showed me this beautiful drawing..
(not of me!..hehe..)
and I was touched when this little girl Balqees, said..
"jangan tinggal Aqih(pelat lagi nak sebut nama, hehe)" (don't leave me behind),
when we were about to go out
I came back to KL with a brand new (and much lighter)...
..traveling and be online would be much easier with a recently acquired..
No food entry this time..hehe..
but sharing the photos of the now ripen rambutan in front of mak's house..(as compared to our previous trip)
but sharing the photos of the now ripen rambutan in front of mak's house..(as compared to our previous trip)
Menci tau! Rambutan tu bukan food ke? roar! roar! roar!
i want rambutan, please...:)
Cats dear,
rambutan tak payah masak kat (or masuk) dapur, petik je..haha
menci tapi windu..hehe..
if ur place is a walking distance away, would have ask u to join me in memetik buah tu..hehe..
Assalamualaikum, lama juga tak ke sini rasanya. Selamat pulang. Tahniah laptop baru ek..
eh! anak sedara akak dapat laptop ke? huh! kecik2 lagi dpt laptop? dia skola mne? wah! akak beli broadband ke? alamak! celcom! sy pun gna celcom tp line dia agak mengecewakan... akak mcm mne ok x?
i do consider rambutans as food as well you know... hehe
get yourself a gravatar and you would no longer be showing your "angry" face :P
Puasa ni tak balik tganu ke????
Kita tak leh makan rambutan banyak2 sakit tekak
Kite suka rambutan anok skoloh, ayah gi ngail, mok duduk dighumoh..hehe
Wa'alaikumsalam Rad,
terimakasih sudi berkunjung semula ke sini..dialu-alukan.
laptop..hadiah pada diri sendiri sebab dapat rezeki dari punca yg tak disangka, Alhamdulillah.
budak2 sekolah rendah kat Terengganu memang dah mula dapat e-book tu and anak2 sedara akak memang pandai computer ni, game tak usah kira lah..mak sedaranya pun cari satu gak..hehe..
broadband tu ok lah juga so far, tp kat rumah pakai streamyx wireless..
I had hope it wouldn't be taken into account..hehehe..
gravatar? tq, i'll check it out!
going back towards d end of Ramadhan insyaAllah..raya break for one week may be..hehe..
amboi..ayoh ngail, mok ngadap pc lah tu kat ghumoh..
balik kg ek sis.
Woowww.. pulang kampung got a new lappy...haha...congrats Cheqna!!
Senangnya yang baru pulang kampung...
Indonesian people call it mudik :}
It's a pity I can't eat many rambutans. I surely will get cough
nice trip u have...
wow...terengganu govt give e-book for primary student???
wow just great!!!
oh streamyz ke? ok la tp broadband rasanya jgn pakai! hahaha bkn ape dia ikut masa kdg2 lembab... eh! wah! tganu dpt e-book percuma ke!!! bestnye sy skola dulu xde plak dpt2 bnda mcm ni...
hehe..dah jd macam routine balik b4 puasa, thou this year tak sempat buat kenduri, sibuk dgn renovate sikit2 rumah mak.
a gift to myself..tak lah berat sangat nak bawak gi office or pergi trip mana2..hehe..
after all, might as well buy something with the xtra rezeki that i received, instead of makan je..kan?
Alhamdulillah dipermudahkan balik kampung untuk berjumpa my mother and other family members...
Khairul Azmi,
I think it started few years back (or was it only last year?).
its great that kids are exposed to IT world, esp kids who do not have such facility at home, but there are pro and cons..and they need monitoring and proper guidance.
haha..nanti marah pulak org broadband tu...but akak punya so far okay, in kl n "kampung" in K.Trgg..n also in K.kangsar, tmpat lain tak tau lau camana..
tempat adik je kot..lain kali jgn duduk kat hutan batu yg tinggi2..hehehe..
di kampungku juga banyak rambutan
sure best dapat makan fresh selepas dipetik.
yup! sy boleh dikatakan dok di kawasan luar bandar agaknyer? hehehhee
hehehe...kesian pulak lah adik yg sorang ni..tapi tak pe, at least ada broadband, kan? slow slow pun layannnn...
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