Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the awards and tags given over the period..
Sorry for not mentioning your names or blogs here (got some of the awards few times) but you know who you are, I really appreciate it...
(and I may have forgotten to save some)
but its such nice thots, so sweet, so cute...
and so on...
Sorry for not mentioning your names or blogs here (got some of the awards few times) but you know who you are, I really appreciate it...
(and I may have forgotten to save some)
but its such nice thots, so sweet, so cute...
and so on...
This following 4 are from Nick Irfan (tq dik!), luckily he forgot the questions that were supposed to come with the awards, then I don't have to put it here as well...
but just in case he decides to look for the questions, I still will not answer it...hehehe...

"Kuat makan (love to eat)!"..hahaha..

Its a wonderful world of blogosphere...
Hope we all can continue to share this friendship.
[update 23/08/10, 12.15pm ~ to my fellow bloggers, I'm not choosing one above the others as recipients of the awards, u are special in your own way, so feel free to choose whichever (or all) that u like, consider it from me...and don't worry, no test here i.e no questions to be answered, haha]
and since I already have the award for my love of food.. :-)

I had this "Arayes chicken" when we had lunch at a Lebanese restaurant before Ramadan, simple and I love it!
so today, I made this for our "buka puasa".
Arayes chicken? Ada-ada jelah Cheqna ni.... Tang award Kuat Makan tu kami sangat setuju.... purrr....meow!
thnkz kak! sudi letak award sy kasi ni? ha! tu la pasal lupa plak nk copy soalan yg ada bersama award nk chack balik? xdpt plak? adoi... hehe :)
Cats dear,
hehe..I think that's d name of that Lebanese bread dish..
and yes, I believe ramai yang amat setuju dengan award tu..haha..
thanks in d first place cos bagi kat akak yg rajin buat comments on your posts..hehe..
and no need cari soalan2 tu dik..tak dapatnya nak more "exam" for me..haha
Wah...looks yummy..congrats on all ur awards..bley jeles,tak?hehehhee
wow..its great..:)
thanks for posting award from me...heheh..have a great day, always..:)
wallawehh! banyak benar award! bagi satu.. wahaha...
I shld say I'm sharing the awards with my fellow bloggers ~ choose whichever u want...
Pls do, esp the "kuat makan" one, then I'm not alone..haha..
yes, tq so much for thinking of giving me one..u too hv a great day!
pilihlah mana2 yg suka, dgn happynya saya nak kongsi sama :-)
hi cheqna..u must be very popular to have all those tags and awards on u..congrats and keep blogging!
hi back to u! its been nice having new friends from many places and read their entries.
eh! kak! makanan yg bawah tu ape?? mcm pizaa je?
buat dari roti lubnan, ada poket so sumbat dengan inti ayam and bakar...
pizza arab lah agaknya cuma tak de cheese (sebab diet?)hehe..
wow.. thats a a lot of beautiful awards dear. how have you been?? i really miss the food related posts :P.. hehe. i am such a foodie. :)
haha, then u can be on d same boat as me!
I'm fine tq but bit bz as I'm planning long break for eid ul fitr..celebrating it at my hometown.
hope u feel better now.
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