I was relaxing and watching TV on Saturday and caught Chef Wan's (arguably Malaysia's well known chef) show on AFC and he was making the following dish.

From the AFC web :
Mee Rebus
"Chef Wan prepares the ‘Wan’ family recipe for Mee Rebus. Chef Wan has been cooking this delicious recipe since he was a young boy helping out at the family food stall and he shares the secrets to this, Wan’s favourite dish."
"Chef Wan prepares the ‘Wan’ family recipe for Mee Rebus. Chef Wan has been cooking this delicious recipe since he was a young boy helping out at the family food stall and he shares the secrets to this, Wan’s favourite dish."

It looked yummy and so on Sunday, based on what I'd seen in his video, I tried to make it..

but whilst it was simmering, I switched on my laptop just to make sure that I made it the right way...

but whilst it was simmering, I switched on my laptop just to make sure that I made it the right way...
mmm...almost, almost...
I forgot the soy bean paste (a.k.a taucu)! Luckily could buy it from the little shop nearby...hehehe..
I forgot the soy bean paste (a.k.a taucu)! Luckily could buy it from the little shop nearby...hehehe..
and here it is :
Not bad for a first attempt, with not enough garnishing ingredients.
But will need to improve on my next attempt as when mak got to know about this, she asked me to make it for her during my next trip back...
she has such confidence in me...
But will need to improve on my next attempt as when mak got to know about this, she asked me to make it for her during my next trip back...
she has such confidence in me...

Wah mee rebus chef cheqna..yummylicious!!!Bubur lambuk mane??hehe
I love mee rebus very much.It is something that I know how to prepare.. So far I've tried many different recipes of mee rebus. I think yg plg sedap yg I masak main campak2 je..
I'm sure ur meerebus sedap..mine selalunya main rebus sup je..hehe..so tried chef Wan's pulak..its quite easy as well n sedap..
haha..masuk bakul sendiri.
bubur lambuk plan to make it over the weekend, insyaAllah...tungguuuuu!!!
wah mee rebus... MAU!!!
We have confidence in you too. Mai semangkuk!!!! purrrr....meow!
Trying a new recipe is great. It may not be perfect on the first try, yet there is always the next time around to do it. It looks yummy to me, by the way. :)
nampak sedap ye sis..
tapi mee rebus in terengganu macam mee sup. so sad.
glad to see that u r back...and read this food entry...again..
Cats dear,
for you, se periuk pun boleh..haha..
yes, if the first time round is not perfect (but still yummy) that's an excuse to repeat d process (and have another bowl of it!)
i kadang2 dah confuse the origins of each dishes sebab pernah membesar kat banyak tempat..
n bila masak sendiri pulak ikut suka2 hati sendiri je...hehe..
this one i rasa from Pahang lah kot sebab Chef Wan from Temerloh kan?
maybe kot this one from pahang. but johor punya pun like this...nyum nyum..=))
Yummy mee rabus.....Like it :)
Pasni menu apa lak?? Hehehe
wah! akak suka masak ke? wah! bestnyer....
my mouth is watering looking at it. soo yummy.. =P~.. hehe.. lovely :D i have never had this.. im just happy that it doesn't have any baking involved. but the garnishing looks really interesting :D
I thot so cos pernah makan Johor's ~ macam lebih kurang je..hehe..
Ramadan is the month that I love making dishes and kuih2 yg seldom buat during other months..
next?..wait till I have d time to update..hehe..
boleh lah katakan suka masak, sebab suka makan masakan sendiri ~ perasan sedap lah tu dik..haha..
you asked for food postings..hehe..and it really was quite easy, n yes..yummy!
I like mee rebus. Yours looks so delicious...
you did? this one did taste good..should taste much yummier if its done by an expert..do give a try!
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