My sister called me yesterday to ask whether I'd be interested to buy a breadmaker, b'cos she knew of my attempts to make bread (here) few weeks back..hehe.
I was online at that time so quickly googled for it and found this video...mmm..quite interesting :-)
Bread Making with a Machine
tempted? yes..may be should start saving for it..hehe..
but before that, here's another item that I'm interested in at d moment..

[ A camcorder ~ something like this, nice eh? :-) ]
mmm..which gadget? have to give some thots on "my priority" ~ for food or memories ...???
And little note on the food "news" :
I made this Kuih Gulung/Ketayap (@ thin pancake rolled/filled with sweetened coconut) the other day :
but I was tired and was in hurry to finish the mixture, so I added some baking powder and soda bicarbonate to it...and it became...
Oh.. you made me starve! :)I will chose pancake with maple syrup partnered with a cup of coffee. I am trying to maintain my weight. I refrain from taking other sweets to give way for ice cream. Hehehe..
Beli belake la comel..
Kat sekolah it seems everyone have the breadmaker..Mula2 beli dulu semua kawan2 bawak roti pegi skola..Sedap you!!!! I tumpang makan je. You shud buy coz u rajin masak..
Mama has one and she was experimenting for a while. Then she stopped. Don't know why. Dare not ask. Anyway, the pancakes look Mama said next time, try making ketayap berlauk. We prefer those than the sweet coconut ones. purrr.....meow!
kreatif yg amat hahaha
We call it Dadar Gulung here. It usually has green color.
Have a great week end, Cheqna :)
wish list to dah hint2 ke kat hubby... hehe...
my mom used to make superb kuih gulung but she make no more... :P
a comcorder and a bread making machine. now that sounds yummy. :D..
I salute if u can refrain yourself, I'm always giving excuses, no wonder maintaining my current weight (i.e in need of losing kgs..hehehe..)
pancake and syrup sounds
TK, seems teachers in KT are in d bread-making mood, my sister said kat 'koloh dia..cikgu2 sibuk duk promote this machine, so she thot of me..haha..
but i noticed u said "mula2 beli dulu" dah tak de yg bawak lah ye...or is it sebab Ramadan?..
hope tak "hangat2 taik ayam" and simpan dlm stor je..hehe..
Cats dear..
this is d case like cheqna's food processor, after once or twice "ooh aahing" about the modern gadget...its now nicely placed somewhere in d kitchen...hehehe..
never try that ketayap berlauk..thot only kuih "c(h)ara" berlauk...what sort of filling? recipe please...dont think its in any youtube..haha..
my mum cukup suka whenever I do that, turning one recipe to another..."tak membazir" she normally said...hehehe..
kita serumpun kan, that's why senang nak travel ke sana...masakan n makanan hampir sama..
oh I still ingat yummy alpukat juice that I had at d food court kat Pasar Baru Bandung, almost everytime when we ate there i ordered the juice..hehehe..
you too have a great weekend!
I learned a lot from my mum, I enjoyed our "bonding" times then.
Sad to say that I've forgotten some recipes, kena tanya mak semula..and also don't have time to do it nowdays, but in Ramadan mula lah nak masak macam2..hehe..
mmm..teringat kuih kena banyak2 sabar nak buat the layers tu...hehe..
its one or the other, so have to think wisely which one I want d most now..
but may be I should just ignore both wishes and save the saving for something else, hehe..
lawatan perdana ke tempat sobat sekalian follow..
wah! ajaib jgk mechine ni... boleh buat roti? hehe
p/s=tp sy xtgk lg video dia xleh buka cuma baca penerangan akak tulis jer....
terimaksih sudi berkunjung..
sekarang ni dah mcm2 barang canggih.. rajin survey je..hehe.
bread maker tu, beli belum tentu tp yg pasti dah cuba resepi dlm video tu..and bestnya sebab menjadi...nanti boleh jadi tokey roti kat kampung akak..haha..
i'll go for the camcorder.
i gila gamabar. =))
chewah camcorder la...
Bie pun minat benda nie juga hehe.. :)
itulah macam berkobar2 je nak camcorder ni..nak kumpul duit raya lah, tp ada ke orang nak bagi?..haha..
jom kita survey kat kedai..pas beli tu share the videos eh?..hehe..
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