The other day, an office mate told me about the coming event.. about how years ago, her husband waited to finish watching a game before sending her to the hospital ~ she was about to give birth to their first son!..haha..
...Guess she's thankful that her son is not into playing football..hehe..
Thou I will not watch or follow most of the games, I might discuss this event with some family members and friends, so I'd better find out a little bit of d coming W.C :-)
...Guess she's thankful that her son is not into playing football..hehe..
Thou I will not watch or follow most of the games, I might discuss this event with some family members and friends, so I'd better find out a little bit of d coming W.C :-)

The 19th tournament is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa..with 32 strong teams competing in d 8 groups.
But I don't mind if some friends laugh at me for "supporting" England, currently FIFA ranking 8..hehehe...
But I don't mind if some friends laugh at me for "supporting" England, currently FIFA ranking 8..hehehe...

Bit "upset" thou that in March 2010 David Beckham's chances of playing at his fourth World Cup were dashed after he tore his Achilles tendon playing for AC Milan.

Note : one of the referees that FIFA selected to officiate at the World Cup was Malaysia's Subkhiddin Mohd Salleh - who has been a full international referee for FIFA since year 2000.

Congrats! He'll do a good job.
Alah...Beckham tu tipu je...har har har *evil laughs*
Mama's assistant event took annual leave - going to spend 1 month in South Africa. Lucky Socceroo not in same group as England. We'll thrash you!!!!
Masa tengah sakit nak bersalin kat Ilham dulu, sempat lagi tengok Turki lawan semi-final World Cup 2002 kat waiting room hospital. Tak ingat dah siapa opponent nye. Tapi nama pemain Turki yg masih kekal dlm ingatan ialah Ilhan. Nama Ilham pun nyaris2 jadi Ilhan. Tapi di sebabkan tak ada org confirm makna Ilhan tu, kekal la juga nama Ilham sampai hari ni...
Btw, kami penyokong Belanda, tak menang world cup pun tak pa, asalkan dapat belasah England ha..ha..
cayalah world cup hehe....sama la Bie pun support england gak!!
betul tuh tak kisah apa org kata hehe mula la nie menghadap tv :) :)
Alaa Cats...I don't care whatever u say...England trash Socceroo adalah...naaahh!!!
for all u know, even ur Mama's asst. "ran away" to S.A 2 support England..haha..
tak baik tau cakap Beck gitu...he is Tom's best fren (or d other way round?)..ish ish..stabbing ur sibling's best fren? ouch!
I.a dear,
waah...turning into orange supporter eh? (psssttt...u hv to ke.. or are they monitoring u online?..hehehe...)
aiseyy...u also want to belasah England? in ur dreams with the catsinsydney...hahaha...
nasib baik budak baik Bie in d same group as me..hehehe...
have fun!
regards from me ~ who may not watch w.c at all!
good of you, not like my 2 frens who want to trash England, hehehe....gimme five!!!
next month u watch lah on my behalf n update..haha...
Yes! England harus kena trash habis-habisan....pooh kanan pooh kiri, australia mari england lari... har har har *evil laughs*
Wah..I'm really not a football fan..donno anything about it. I think i only know Brazil..and I dont think I like Beckham. Tapi takpe..I might learn a thing or two from you..
^^ world Cup...
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Wah..I'm really not a football fan (copy ayat tk) always waiting for the final to watch. macam tau-tau je org dulu-2, diciptanya satu peribahasa untuk menterjemahkan saya dan bola, ahak !! kaki bangku.
Cats dear,
u made a mistake with ur pooh pooh tu...
now with the "power" in me, i meow kanan, meow kiri...and all the cats follow me...
No worry TK...may be ladies like us shld not like football...
hi back 2 u!..n tq.
kaki bangku? no excuses not to play the game online..hehe..
jgn tendang bangku sudahhh..haha..
at least we have a representative at the world cup 2010 hahaha
wah! world cup! tahniah buat sukidin! ade jgk org malaysia? hehe
yes lah.
next project, send as many referees for training, then we'll be able to supply them in future w.c!
hehe.. :-)
jangan tak caya..nanti bila time dia kita sokong ramai2!..
lagipun nanti dia yang byk lari keliling padang (or tepi padang...), kan?
hehe.. :-)
Hope France will win this time :)
at least we can see malaysia representative there at w.c.
nak tunggu footballer team....bila lah kan..=))
I still support France...
hhmmm... world cup ya.. sedang menunggu...
from yesterday's game between England vs Japan, your wish might come true!..hehehe...
:-))) lah..,
so sokong lah our lone representative tu!
Lina @ h.f..
n may be i shld change to Brazil b'cos according to maths statistics, Brazilians have higher chances of winning..
hahaha..kidding "Bie" (d England gang supporter)...kidding...
Wa'alaikumsalam wbt...selamat menonton lah ye..
don't think I would esp. if its England's game..nervous!..hehehe..
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