It was supposed to be instant cooking
~ boil the water, add the noodle and the curry flavours, but...
~ boil the water, add the noodle and the curry flavours, but...
...whilst the water's boiling, I added chopped onions,
then looked for a couple of chillies in the fridge.
then looked for a couple of chillies in the fridge.
However... I came out instead with
~ 2 chillies,
~ 2 celery stalks,
~ 1 carrot
~ and a tomato...
and then from the freezer,
~ a left-over of prawns dish..

and here's the end result, hehe...
~ 2 chillies,
~ 2 celery stalks,
~ 1 carrot
~ and a tomato...
and then from the freezer,
~ a left-over of prawns dish..

and here's the end result, hehe...
Yummy...but the chillies were quite hot

kaya'na pedes2 nikmat tuch ^^
cheqna,ermmm mmg yummy kalo makan maggi cam gini..panas panas hirup..berpeluh2..minum air satu jug,bab tergeget cili..heeee sampai ke tinge tu berasap..
No 2-minute noodles in our house. Ever. Mama doesn't allow it. No reason. So, will you adopt me? That looks yummy. purrr...meow!
Inge..makin pedas makin best..hehe
haha, btul, btul btul..sampai ke pagi ni terasa sakit tekak, panas dalaman nih..
Cats dear,
jom pekena!..cepat dimasak..(err more than 2 minutes thou)..and lagi cepat dimakan....hehe
but waaah..for d sake of the instant noodles, you are abandoning ur mama "once in a while" eh?
mi megi senang dimasak enak dimakan..
ingat lagi lagu ni time kecik-kecik dulu
hi daisy, hehe..memang ek..lagu top masa itu.
kayaknya pedas dan dijamin bakal mengeluarkan keringat. pengen coba tuh.
Elok diambil resepi ni, mana tau wife balik kampunt time cuti sekolah, nak keluar makan tak rajin, boleh la cuba. Cepat tapi enak
Hmmm... your instant in prepare.. but the result was very amazing... haha... really looked like made by a profesional cheff... thumbs-up for u Cheqna...
Make me hungry.... nyammm...
Iswady..pedasnya membawa berpeluh2, tak perlu exercise dah..hehe..
no problem..memang senang je..ada mee segera..and rajin2 lah check apa2 yang ada dalam fridge, jimat and tak membazir buang apa2 balance dari freezer.. :-)
tp pastikan ada gas di dapur tu..hehe
Nensa dear,
hehe..tq 4 d thumb-up tapi maaf ye membuatkan sahabatku kelaparan...
should try my fren..jimat belanja dapur..
I like noodles...
then u surely have lots of recipes..can share eh?
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