Hehehe..out of norm here...
I'm not a fan of Bollywood movies but I'd watched some, mostly over the tv.
Two weekends ago this movie, "Mann" was shown...n I caught the last hour of it..
...didn't really concentrate watching the movie but when it came to the part of this song, "Chaaha Hai Tujhko" [I'd heard it over the radio many times before n liked the music :-) ], I did.
I thot the lyrics so nice, lovely.. I was touched...
So the searched over the net began, hehe...
and came up with this project..
I'm not a fan of Bollywood movies but I'd watched some, mostly over the tv.
Two weekends ago this movie, "Mann" was shown...n I caught the last hour of it..
...didn't really concentrate watching the movie but when it came to the part of this song, "Chaaha Hai Tujhko" [I'd heard it over the radio many times before n liked the music :-) ], I did.
I thot the lyrics so nice, lovely.. I was touched...
So the searched over the net began, hehe...
and came up with this project..
Not going to write about the movie thou,
after all it was released back in 1999
~ and I think it was a hit...

Aamir Khan was "cute" and Manisha Koirala so "sweet" then,
errr..i guess they still are..
after all it was released back in 1999
~ and I think it was a hit...

Aamir Khan was "cute" and Manisha Koirala so "sweet" then,
errr..i guess they still are..
anak anak jer minat nie..akak kurang tapi bila dengar lagu camgini layan gak kejap..mann nie ler cete hindi yg akak tengok from beginning till last epi.not bad!!
Wah! rajin dia melayan Hindustan.Dah lama tak tgok hindustan.. Berjaman rasanya but Ive watched Mann tu..Not badlah..I minat Shah Rukh Khan, Amir Khan n Kajol je..sampai bila2..hehe
saya suke jugak citer neyh !!! hehehe sedey je kan..
Pyar...pyar...pyar... alamak...kucing sudah nyanyi Hindi lah pulak. purrr....meow!
ada inspector saab tak? heheheh
for me pulak, dont think pernah tgok mann dari awal sampai habis, even thou rasanya dah tunjuk banyak kali on tv..hehe..
layan jgn tak layan..
hehe..sampai bila2 tu...
nama2 yg familiar..SRK n Kajol bcos of Kuch Kuch..
jangan nangis ek...nanti bengkak mata naik ladies coach ktm tu..hehehe..
Cats dear,
nyanyi2 saje tak pe...jgn duk pakai sari, keliling the pillow cat sambil makan curry puff sudah le..
he's missing in action!
alamak! entry bahasa omputih plak? hehehe ape2pun nice entry....
Wah... I jarang nonton Bollwood Cheqna.
but satu yg pasti Bollywood tu yg banyak goyang2nya itu kan.... haha...
hehe Nensa..betul tu..tp kalau combine dangdut n bollywood macamana agaknya...gamat gamat..
haha.. it was such an old movie. and back then i was such a Manisha Koirala fan. i kinda wonder where did she dissapear .. its like she just left acting all together. once upon a time she was like HUGE!! Amir is still around. and you gotta see Ghajni.. he like was all pumped up and all. and it was a really awsome movie. nicely done stuff with a lot of good songs and all :) . do check it out. surprisingly now adays there are a lot of good movies coming out. so do you understand hindi? cause thats awsome!!
u really must be into movies..I'm not I'm afraid, but one of these days i might check that one out..hehe..
Hindi? no..relying on the subtitles, if not I wont understand it.
Manisha's fan eh?..hehe..
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