When I was small we had a Chinese family neighbour, and when new year came what I remember most was all these :

(all images from google)
My younger sister and I would frequently visited next door for all that (there was no fence between our houses)..but the uncle, auntie and their children were always welcoming,
and we always came back with our pockets full of sweets and peanuts...hehehe...
and we always came back with our pockets full of sweets and peanuts...hehehe...
Happy Chinese New Year to my visitors here who celebrate it.

Note : Thank you for the well wishes at my previous post, I'm fine now thank you, just needed some break and rest (my strained eyes especially from using too much of computer.)
Special thanks to :
Special thanks to :
I amsterdam
Cat-in-Sydney (I'm around mate!)
Jolly Princess
bieaz@bie Azreena
lina@happy family
Appreciate it (n to the rest of my visitors as well). May u all be granted with good health.
I amsterdam
Cat-in-Sydney (I'm around mate!)
Jolly Princess
bieaz@bie Azreena
lina@happy family
Appreciate it (n to the rest of my visitors as well). May u all be granted with good health.
Dulu masa kami kecik, bila CNY mesti dapat kuih bakul dari Apek yang Pak ambil barang2 makanan :) - ambik tau bukan beli (sebab catit dlm buku kecil "555" he..he..).
Hai... dah lama dah tak makan kuih bakul ni :(
I don't celebrate Chinese New Year but I enjoy seeing the celebration, especially the Barongsai show :)
kecik2 dulu selalu makan kuih bakul masa CNY diberi oleh jiran ms di kg lama dulu...skrg ni tak mkn lg...
apa2 pun..indahnya dulu dan kini pun..moga selamanya...
juga mesti dpt angpow paket!
happy chinese new year.... :)
hehehe teringat masa kecik Bie berabut ambik gula2 kih3...
glad that you are feeling better. what i like most about cny is the abundance of oranges and peanuts.
Hope you are feeling better now! Did you get to enjoy all those stuff this year? I miss kuih bakul too...:(
Ambe nak angpow buleh? purrrr.....meow!
wah! best jgk sy kat tmpt sy ni majoriti smuanya mlyu jd xdpt rsa suasana raya Cina ni... hehe
cuma tahun ni mcm xbanyak limau...
knape..? ekonomi meleset kot...
Salam sejahtera Cheqna
Hope you are and have had some quality rest :)
CNY to me always means hot dry weather and dusty.Lots and lots of oranges that more often than not weren't that sweet and yes those peanuts. Pocketful of them. Hardly no food at all. Warm F&N orange juice without ice that made my head spin.Those were the days.
Scrol forward...rain all day, fantastic imported oranges(some are HUGE ma) no peanuts, boxes of tarts and cookies curtesy of Carefour and Mydin hypermart, not forgetting layered Indonesian cakes and cordials from Cosway.
Great to be Malaysian during festivals I tell you one.
Take care of yrself dear.
thank u all for the comments, sorry, been on n off being bz bees..hehehe.
nowdays we have to buy our own oranges (no neighbour to visit, hehe) but this year I got one box that I took home to mum/fmly in KT, after eating one I forgot about it..hehe
nak ang pou..
Naddy dear,
dtg rumah masa raya..hehehe..
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