(Image Berita Harian online)
First group to arrive under the "Ops Pyramid", Alhamdulillah for their safe returns, may the rest of the operations runs smoothly.
Thank you to the Malaysian Government, the Embassy Staffs in Eygpt, TUDM, TLDM, MAS, Air Asia, Tabung Haji, Putera 1Malaysia, all the volunteers..and to all Malaysians for their prayers and supports.
Also to the Egyptian's authorities in allowing the Malaysians to leave peacefully and the Saudi Arabia's government for their support.
Syukran (thank you), JazaakAllahu khairan (May Allah SWT rewards you for the good deeds)

(read more news at Al-Jazeera.net)
Praying for the better future for them...amiiin.
It's the duty of the gov to take care of it's citizens,morever those students are the cream of the crop.
btw, I am sure you know that even this pun ada yg nak politicize... tak bersyukur langsung... :)
syukur selamat mereka pulang, semuga juga keadaan di bumi mesir akan pulih dan tiada kuasa "tak elok" ambil kesempatan menguasai pemerintahan selepas begitu jerih usaha untuk menegakkan keadilan.
it also falls on each and everyone of us to take care of each other, our community, our country..and hope for a better place and future.
we are also the cream of our country, thou they may be creamier..hehe..
peace.. :-)
I guess should instead instill to the public in accepting the help given with good grace...
The syukur is not because of the person who give the help but because Allah SWT has send the help, and the assistance comes via that means..Allahu'alam.
Semoga negara mereka segera aman dan bertambah makmur selepas ini..
I agree with you Cheqna..By Allah grace and mercy everything went on smoothly.Shukur Alhamdulillah.
Jazak Allahu Khairan
Scary je ada baca paper yang student kita nyer kereta kena tembak.. Alhamdullillah mereka semua selamat pulang... Tak sangka negara yang disangka aman macam mesir boleh bergolak.. hmm... tetiba teringat kisah firaun..
and i agree with you..Let's always remind each other to not forget the blessings of Allah upon us.
peristiwa2 yang boleh dijadikan iktibar/peringatan untuk kita semua...anything can happen..fikir panjang dan elok2 sebelum melakukan sesuatu agar ianya tidak boleh mendatangkan sebarang kemudaratan.
Warga Indonesia juga banyak yang dipulangkan, dan masih berlangsung...
Sayangnya kondisi Mesir belum membaik, bahkan sepertinya tambah panas, karena Mubarak tetap tidak mau turun, walaupun sudah didesak oleh militer...
Semoga negara kita tetap aman...
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