Part of being a nanny earlier this month was to send Faraheen and Batrisyia to school on Sunday, 2nd Jan ~ the first school day in Terengganu. But State Govt declared Monday 3rd as the first school day due to the free public holiday given on Friday 31st. Dec by PM.
...and so the job reverted back to their mum and we had a good time relaxing that Sunday..hehe
Monday 3rd, Jan 2011 Batrisyia was all prepared to go...

I'm not really worried about her, she's a "pro", her mum had enrolled her as pre-schooler in that school for the past two years..
Her performances as pre-schooler last year :
May she always be successful in this life and successful in the hereafter, and in the blessings of Allah SWT...amiin.

I'm not really worried about her, she's a "pro", her mum had enrolled her as pre-schooler in that school for the past two years..
Her performances as pre-schooler last year :
~ the fourth girl from left in the front row :-)
(Al-Quran recitation)
May she always be successful in this life and successful in the hereafter, and in the blessings of Allah SWT...amiin.
[note : she must really felt tired that day, came back from school, changed her school uniform and slept for few hours..hehe..]
She's a smart and sholehah girl :)
hopefully Pasha can be that good in school :)
tq, insyaAllah :-)
dah nampak dah ciri2 kat Pasha tu, dont worry..just lead him in the right direction n be there for him.
hehe..I'm sure u know much better.
comel2 anak sedara akak ni.. bila akak nk ada anak sndiri? hehehehhee
Salam Cheqna
She us cute and so heartening to see her reciting the Quran. Doa yang terbaik buat si comel :)
alhamdulillah.. baru 6 thn dah pandai baca ayat2 Al-Quran...
and amiin to your doa.
Dear Cheqna,
My son surely has lots to catch up! 6 tahun dah pandai baca Al-Quran! Not every kid can do that...:)
Wishing Batrisyia all the best!
Mekasih Cheqna...Mg dia berterusan jd anak yg solehah dan berjaya di dunia dan akhirat..Amin..
Such a cute little darling. :)
Sek mana tu Cheqna? Semoga dia jadi anak solehah and a good niece to her auntie Cheqna.
amiin to all prayers..tqvm.
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