But if only being a nanny is as simple as this..hehe
Nazeem's parents went off to send him back to his school in Perak,

Leaving these two in our care...

Bit tiring but enjoyable :)
Been a while since I joined "Virtual Run" (VR), and with long MCO - Movement Control Order (and no interest from family members..h...
Huu huu.. seronok la budak2 tu ada nanny Cheqna kat rumah :D
I.A dear,
hope they are not suffering..hehehe..
last day 2day. gonna miss it.
ada ketuk2 behind heels tak? hehehe...
New Entry: Water Chalet, Avillion, Port Dickson
Well! For Mary Poppins every task's a piece of cake.
Mary Poppins kan ada payung ajaib.. bleh terbang sana sini.. :)
best la budak2 tu kan... nak tak cheqna jaga bie ahahaha
Mary Poppins? I thought you were Nanny McPhee! purrr....meow!
eh! nanny poppin? cte ape ni? nannty mcfee thu la..
I simply love Mary Poppins... :) Happy nanny!
Salam Cheqna!
Cool nanny! They are so adorable too! You must surely miss them? Where to find nanny who would fly for rescue nowadays? Good job! :)
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