and have a great weekend!
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Senyuman adalah anugerah. Senyum hanya menggunakan 17 sahaja otot muka manakala bermasam muka memerlukan lebih 43 otot muka.
A smile is a gift, it uses only 17 facial muscles as compared to more than 43 facial muscles when frowning.
Abdullah bin Al-Harist stated :
"Never have I seen a smile more (on other people) than on the Prophet."
Bukan ke saya selalu tersenyum bila berjumpa kawan kawan blogger?.. It is important for me to smile as they say my face is rather fierce looking. .. So they say..
Ayoh Wang,
I didn't notice your "fierce" face, you were smiling all the time during your raya open I'm not part of that "they"..hehe
senyum itu sedekah :)
Hari ni sekolah ganti cuti raya cina.
Tak bole nak senyum sangat...hehe
Misyamissyou(sedap nama..hehe),
btul btul btul..cara paling mudah dan murah nak bersedekah dan beramal.
Selamat berkhidmat...ramai tak yg turn up..hari ni full class ke buat gotong royong?..hehe..
Waiting for Cats to pick me up..going downsouth for a day trip :-)
Assalamu'alaikum my Muslim brother... how are you today?
Senyum lebih takpe.. jgn ketawa lebih :) (see i senyum je)
Wa'alaikumsalam..from muslim sister :-)
I.A dear,
hehehe...senyum sokmo :-)
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