Last month in Kuala Terengganu :
"Che Na, can you please buy for me that mind game?"
..Faraheen asked one day.
Eh?..what mind game?...mmm..may be she'd developed the liking of doing puzzles like this auntie of hers..hehe..
So off we went to the bookstore and she showed me the "mind game".
"ohhh...its, rubic cube my dear..."
..Faraheen asked one day.
Eh?..what mind game?...mmm..may be she'd developed the liking of doing puzzles like this auntie of hers..hehe..
So off we went to the bookstore and she showed me the "mind game".
"ohhh...its, rubic cube my dear..."

But the one that we found was with cartoon I promised to buy her a different one once back in K.L.
But the one that we found was with cartoon I promised to buy her a different one once back in K.L.
Been getting "gentle" reminders from Faraheen about her "mind game" that finally I managed to buy it, not 1 but 3! ha ha..
So, one the activities during the "raya" break was how to solve it...
and for days I was able to do only a small part of it.
mmm...thought of searching thru the net..
and walla! found the site where it taught me how to solve it..hehehe..
So, one the activities during the "raya" break was how to solve it...
and for days I was able to do only a small part of it.
mmm...thought of searching thru the net..
and walla! found the site where it taught me how to solve it..hehehe.. took me 2 days to understand the instructions.. on time too, as mum had started to complain that I'd spent almost every resting hours playing with the cube...ha ha ha...
Coincidently, mum was in front of me when I did the final steps!
(Took this photo and sent text to my sister to tell her daughter Faraheen about my first ever achievement!)
So happy that I could do it.
Faraheen posing with the "finished" project :
and here's Batrisyia with hers...
But of course...,
both were solved by this...
both were solved by this...
sy teringin jgk nak main rubic ni sbb tgk org main mcm best jer?
i never solve this rubic.
tak aciiiiiii.
Salam Cheqna,
Playing rubic was always end up with a mess for me , Cheqna ... haha...!
Kasian banget deh!!
dik Nick,
memang best but memeningkan kepala if nak fikir sendiri..hehe..
cuba jangan tak cuba...hehehe...
W'salam Nensa,
hehehe..that was my first time ever.
but before that another niece cabut kesemuanya and susun semula...and that was messy..haha.
Congrats !! I never did able to solve it.
I.A dear,
thank you, thank you...but I only followed the instructions, if you were to ask me to do it myself, will take me forever kot..hehehe..
To me this rubic cube is mind boggling. :) I never can solve it... Hmmm... I have not try harder enough anyways. (lol) Nice hobby. :)
wow..its perfect..that played that rubic was end...
i never can be played till the end..hihihi..
how are you, cheqna..?
its a long time not here..
hope you always fine..:)
solve gak akhirnya :)
Bie pernah gak main benda ni tetapi tak pernah nak solve2nya aduiiii pening kepala
hehehe, can't take the credit..i had help from someone who's nice enough to post the instructions on "how to solve the rubic cube" on the net.
try it out!
Windflowers dear,
thank you..have been quite busy that my mind just went blank whenever I attempted to update.
hehehe..trying to update and backdated the entries ~ wish me luck!
hope you are well too.
check out the sites and try it..and rasalah peningnya nak faham the instructions..hehehe..
tq sis..I'm bowing..ta-da!
i will.
nanti i tayang2 kat blog gituuu.
never really know how to solve it :p
i can only do one side of it!!and i've been playing wth it since i was student can even do without looking, how was tht?
yup! mmg mencabar mainan ni...
Cheqna cheating!!!! Tak aci lah google instruction tu. purrr....meow!
good luck sis..and silalah tayang2..:-)))
(whispering) syhhhh...i dah bagi tau tu my secret...
my nephew said his friend could do it in less than 1 minute...mmmm..
no problem...his Cheqna can do it in less than 1 day!
still "1", right?..hehehehe..
Cats dear...
at least I made the effort..hehehe..
aci tak aci (...buka pintu...lalalala...)
cakap pasal aci dgn Cats tu...akak cabar adik solve rubic cube tu, aci tak?..hehehe..
huh! sy mmg ske mainan cubix ni rasanya sy boleh selesaikan tp masalahnya sy xde cubix la... sob2...
hahaha..itu masalah lain laa pulak..."how to solve without the cube???"
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