One of the things I like about staying in our area is that our neighbourhood still practice the concept of "gotong-royong" during "kenduri" (wedding reception), are prepared by the host and community, and are not catered.
Few weekends ago, I had the chance to join the ladies in peeling the onions and other basic ingredients..while at another tent, the men were preparing the meat and chicken...and the kids were running around...
It was fun watching the jovial mood of everyone..talking, laughing, many sories to update I guess.

Me? I mostly listened to their stories and jokes..I seldom join in these "occasions", so some didnt know me, but its okay with me, I prefer the low profile anyway..he he he...
("Lagu Jiwa Lagu Cinta" - Mawi & M.Nasir)
("Lagu Jiwa Lagu Cinta" - Mawi & M.Nasir)
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