There wasn't any mystery really in my making the short break.
Before the end of May I'd already decided to slow down on writing as we'd already entered the month of Rajaab, with months of Syaaban and Ramadhan coming soon.
Actually I was quite surprised that I was able to do daily entries for the past four months when I had first intended to test myself for only a month.....huh..quite a feat.....though I do admit that once in every few days it was quite difficult to come out with ideas....hehe..
Anyway.....after the 31st May entry, I was thinking of taking one or two days break but instead I lost the mood to write....,
At the office on morning of 1st June I got the call that mum wasn't feeling well. Really thankful that it was easy for me to request from my boss for immediate leave..and took the noon flight home.
The next few days were spent in my hometown with my mum and family., but on Monday I came back to KL, still worrying about mum and at the same time was not feeling well too.
But by now Alhamdulillah mum is much better than that Friday, and I am too (though the exercises for the coming run make my body ache..haha..)
So no mystery or "forced to" reasons for not writing.......I was around but I was just tired (i.e between then and now was not on holiday).......hehehe
But thank you all for the kind words.
So, have pleasant days ahead and till the next time then!