Sunday 30 November 2008

Weekend treats

Saturday nights in school we used to have "open air" wayang time, tak ingat pulak samada tiap-tiap minggu or not, but a must for everyone. Normally we had it outside the school hall, with my gang's favourite place kat pintu dewan...awal-awal lagi dah booking

Those were the days when we all would spread out the tikar or suratkhabar lama, bawak bekal makan n minum...for me mesti bawak "bantal busuk" - senang if nak baring and tidur, he he he..

One of the movies that we watched then was Grease, hahaha...kelakar pulak bila tengok semula john travolta, olivia pulak so sweet..

Grease Lightning

Hopelessly Devoted To You

We go together

I wonder if juniors in school masih ada this "treat", but nowdays nak tengok movies kat tv aje, pilih channel tapi dah tak tahu apa yang latest, banyak sangat.

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