Saturday 26 October 2013

Pick your own fruits

28th. April 2012

On the way to Blue Mountains..we stopped over here for a while,

Its actually towards the end of the season, 

yes...I ate a few...hehehe...

Persimmons (or "Pisang Kaki" as my mother calls it...her favourite...wished then that I could buy it for her).

Wishing till now for this little why didn't I buy it then?......

..not because that I love eating apples much, but because I want to do this......hahahaha...

Earlier we were here ...

I bought some spices.....where did I put it???


1 comment:

Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

spiral,nice way to eat the apple.

Been a while since I joined "Virtual Run" (VR), and with long MCO - Movement Control Order (and no interest from family members..h...